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Answers to Previously Submitted Questions
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Q &A
For reports about reincarnation, there is the question of how credible mediums are and how much their information is a product of their own thoughts and subconscious.
Q &A
Most people think that we exist always and forever and the soul is identified with our individuality. Isn't that true?
Everything we talk about comes from some source in the afterlife. For information about the soul, we have the mediums who have received messages in Rob Shwartz’s work. For information about the fact that we begin on Earth, we have speakers in Leslie Flint sessions. They call Earth “the nursery.” These sources are supported by other sources in the afterlife who say the same thing, and we have no sources coming through mediums who tell us we as individuals pre-dated our birth onto the Earth plane. We also have examples of unborn fetuses communicating, so the soul is able to communicate before the individual is born and has acquired all the traits of a person. Sonia Rinaldi, the Brazilian ITC researcher has recordings of an unborn fetus speaking.
As far as “existing forever,” we would have no identity until we developed our personalities on Earth. And no one communicating from the afterlife says they “joined” with their eternal self that pre-dated their conception and birth on Earth. And we’re also told that reincarnation is misunderstood. We don’t return to the Earth. We remain the individuals we are through eternity. Other people part of our Higher Self incarnate and may take a framework or large part from our lives to learn lessons we didn’t learn. For more about that, go to our YouTube for the afterlife sources: https://youtu.be/LS0Ik986-i8
Q &A
Most people think that we exist always and forever and the soul is identified with our individuality. Isn't that true?
Everything we talk about comes from some source in the afterlife. For information about the soul, we have the mediums who have received messages in Rob Shwartz’s work. For information about the fact that we begin on Earth, we have speakers in Leslie Flint sessions. They call Earth “the nursery.” These sources are supported by other sources in the afterlife who say the same thing, and we have no sources coming through mediums who tell us we as individuals pre-dated our birth onto the Earth plane. We also have examples of unborn fetuses communicating, so the soul is able to communicate before the individual is born and has acquired all the traits of a person. Sonia Rinaldi, the Brazilian ITC researcher has recordings of an unborn fetus speaking.
As far as “existing forever,” we would have no identity until we developed our personalities on Earth. And no one communicating from the afterlife says they “joined” with their eternal self that pre-dated their conception and birth on Earth. And we’re also told that reincarnation is misunderstood. We don’t return to the Earth. We remain the individuals we are through eternity. Other people part of our Higher Self incarnate and may take a framework or large part from our lives to learn lessons we didn’t learn. For more about that, go to our YouTube for the afterlife sources: https://youtu.be/LS0Ik986-i8
Q &A
According to Prebirth Pioneer Sarah Hinze's Research, we began our existence before being born.
Nothing I have heard from our afterlife communications describes us having personalities before we grow up in Earth School. In Rob Schwartz’s work with mediums (Your Soul’s Plan and Your Soul’s Gift), he learned that what the mediums call our “souls” are part of the planning team that plans our lives. Our souls then have complete knowledge of the plan to help guide us through our Earth journey. And in that sense, our souls are pre-birth. But the soul is purely a part of our Higher Self that has Higher Self knowledge, but doesn’t have all the characteristics of what I call “me.” The individual me we are does not come into being until we grow up in Earth School and acquire all of what makes us me. That individual me is who we are for eternity.
If you think about it, we acquire everything we are during the Earth School experience. None of that exists until we have acquired it in Earth School. What personality would there be prior to our growing into our personalities in Earth School? In other words, where would any being I could call “me” get a personality, attitudes, predispositions, abilities, and memories to exist as a person prior to growing up in Earth School? We don’t get any of that until we’ve gone through Earth School.
Q &A
Seems odd there would not be ancestors to care for and live with someone in the afterlife when their immediate family hasn't yet made the transition.
What matters in the next life is personal relationships. Biological or ancestral relationships are not important. The value of someone like the woman Terry was to live with is that this person is devoted to providing love and companionship. If the ancestors are not interested in living with the person and seeing to their needs, then a loving, caring person who is devoted to helping will be much preferable. It won’t be long until the immediate family makes the transition, however. So this is just a temporary measure.
Q &A
Is it just telepathic (mind to mind), can we still use our voices, like we do down here, on the earth realm?
You may use your voice if you want to. Everyone abandons that after a time. But people enact plays, sing songs, and use spoken words when they want to emphasize something. Whether you communicate mind to mind or through vocal sounds is up to you.
Q &A
I've heard that if people choose to continue being negative then in 200 years later, we probably won't survive as a species and this planet will self destruct. Is that true?
I’ve heard people making the prediction that there will be a war in 200 years if humankind goes one direction and no war if it goes another. I don’t put stock in any predictions about the future that aren’t substantiated by at least two sources in the afterlife. I haven’t heard any sources saying that. Besides, the Earth realm only exists for us to have experiences. It won’t exist if we are not having the opportunity for satisfying, uplifting experiences. There is no “species.” We are all celestial beings having Earth experiences. We cannot die. We will continue having experiences on other planes after leaving Earth.
Q &A
Do you know who we should pray to, to god himself, the angels, guides etc.?
There is nothing but God. There is no separate entity. You are a manifestation of God. Prayer is an address to all the abilities you have, plus all the added counsel and help you’re receiving from guides, loved ones in the afterlife, and others who are interested in you. Prayer does make a difference. But a large part of what it does is to give you the power to make your own answers to prayer. You are being given guidance continually. Follow your instincts about your path. That will be the inspiration you’re receiving from a variety of sources.
Q &A
Do you know, if we have to take any showers, regular baths & wash/ clean ourselves, on the other side (Heaven), do we need to use the bathroom/ toilet, like we do down here? I prefer not to grow a beard, do we need shave on the other side too?
There’s no need to take baths or clean. There is no problem with dirt, underarm odor, or other issue that requires bathing. However, if someone enjoys bathing or showers, the facilities are available in their home. There is no urination or defecation. People may eat if they enjoy eating, but there is no result from it. There is no need to shave. People’s hair and beards don’t grow beyond their optimal length. If you don’t want a beard, your preference will mean you won’t grow one. Everything about the next life depends on our preferences.
Q &A
I'm terrified that we are stuck in a time loop.
No, there is no such thing as a time loop. You needn’t worry about it. We know from the many thousands of communications from people living in the life after this life that we transition to the next realm, called by some Summerland, when we leave this life. There, we have perfectly ordinary lives in our new setting. We never come back to Earth unless we want to come to visit loved ones or to experience events on Earth or in Earth’s past. And no one “reincarnates.” We stay the individuals we are throughout eternity.
Q &A
I'm terrified that we are stuck in a time loop.
No, there is no such thing as a time loop. You needn’t worry about it. We know from the many thousands of communications from people living in the life after this life that we transition to the next realm, called by some Summerland, when we leave this life. There, we have perfectly ordinary lives in our new setting. We never come back to Earth unless we want to come to visit loved ones or to experience events on Earth or in Earth’s past. And no one “reincarnates.” We stay the individuals we are throughout eternity.
Q &A
How do we know all this about the afterlife is true?
Today, we have great numbers of communications with people living in the next life. They have come through more than a dozen different methods of communication. Based on the many thousands of communications, we have a clear picture of the nature of reality, the fact that we continue to live after the body dies, and what life is like in the next life. We are living in an age much like that of Galileo when people believed the Earth is the center of the universe. It took a long time for people to realize we are in a solar system. That is what is happening now. Read the information and watch the videos. You’ll come to realize the truth.
Q &A
Aren't we communicating with familier spirits or demons when we communicate with the afterlife?.
No, that’s a primitive superstition. There is no place in the Torah or New Testament suggesting demons pretend to be our loved ones. I believe that came from the Muslim belief in beings called Hamzaads. We never connect with anything or anyone other than our loved ones when we communicate.
Q &A
I have always noticed that what I charge is always given in the exact order they were bought. Is that analogous to how our lives unfold in the order they do; only difference is that we have free will?
Yes, our lives are like the order of purchases on a bank statement. And like a bank statement, we can see the past, present, and future. They are in time order only because we have them in that order in our minds. Physics tells us they could as easily happen backwards as forwards. But in our lives, it would be odd and confusing if they ran backwards, so we experience them only forward, past-present-future. No, the body doesn’t have free will. It is like an overcoat we wear. I’ve heard it referred to as our “space suit.” We, the eternal mind we are, have free will.
Q &A
What do you think happens to a good person that doesn’t believe in god or follow the teachings, where do you think they would go?
Where you go will not depend on your beliefs in any religion or philosophy. All people go to the next realm of life, called by some Summerland. Our loved ones and even our ancestors are all there. No one is judged for their actions or beliefs on the Earth plane.
Q &A
What about the Soul Phone?
The Soul Phone has not demonstrated proof of concept or produced a prototype after 12 years of effort. Gary and Mark set their sites lower with developing a “Soul Switch” that would just respond yes or no, or positive and negative. It never came to pass. In the same period of time, researchers have made great strides in electronic voice capture. Watch our video of various successes in electronic communication at https://youtu.be/qHYgafMZREU
Q &A
What about the Soul Phone?
The Soul Phone has not demonstrated proof of concept or produced a prototype after 12 years of effort. Gary and Mark set their sites lower with developing a “Soul Switch” that would just respond yes or no, or positive and negative. It never came to pass. In the same period of time, researchers have made great strides in electronic voice capture. Watch our video of various successes in electronic communication at https://youtu.be/qHYgafMZREU
Q &A
I'm just very terrified overall of the afterlife and wish that it could just be a place with my family, friends and animals. I don't want to separate from them.
Q &A
I'm just very terrified overall of the afterlife and wish that it could just be a place with my family, friends and animals. I don't want to separate from them.
Q &A
Do Kings and Queens, who were often terrible people transition into their palaces with servants and the like?
vWhere a person lives depends on their state of mind, not their position in society. Those who were loving and compassionate in this life live in the same humble surroundings all others life. There are no palaces. Those who were cruel and tyrannical, who caused pain for people on Earth, have lower love and compassion for others. They live in one of the lower regions that is not so pleasant and does not have wonderful housing. It isn’t a hell. There is no hell. It is a region they are creating together by their state of mind. The evil tyrants who were wealthy and lived in palaces while on Earth all live in the same impoverished surroundings they are creating by their state of mind in the next life. They are being continually counseled and helped to mature spiritually so they have more love and compassion for others. They will eventually be able to rise out of the lower regions into Summerland, where people who are normally loving and compassionate live.
Q &A
If I'm putting in effort to grow spiritually, am I doing it wrong since it's really easy?
No, you’re not doing it wrong. it is easy and very rewarding. It’s just a change of mind, and that’s easy to do. However, it will contain challenges. You may find someone irritates the dickens out of you, or you may be on the receiving end of real anger and mental abuse. Loving that person will be more difficult. You may find yourself angry with that person, even though you don’t want to be angry. There will be challenges. As you make loving others under any circumstances more your nature, you’ll find that their anger doesn’t affect you as much, if at all.
Q &A
If I'm putting in effort to grow spiritually, am I doing it wrong since it's really easy?
No, you’re not doing it wrong. it is easy and very rewarding. It’s just a change of mind, and that’s easy to do. However, it will contain challenges. You may find someone irritates the dickens out of you, or you may be on the receiving end of real anger and mental abuse. Loving that person will be more difficult. You may find yourself angry with that person, even though you don’t want to be angry. There will be challenges. As you make loving others under any circumstances more your nature, you’ll find that their anger doesn’t affect you as much, if at all.
Q &A
I've heard that when we communicate with people living in the afterlife it's really demons pretending to be the people. Is that true?
That’s an odd mythology that was never true. There is nothing in the Christian or Jewish texts about the idea that demons disguise themselves as our loved ones. There are admonitions against going to necromancers or mediums in the Jewish scriptures. There were oracles Jews were going to in order to receive messages about things in their lives. The writers of some texts in the Jewish canon said Yahweh, the Jewish god, didn’t like people going to these necromancers or mediums instead of coming to him, so one of the Mitzvahs of Torah or Jewish laws was that people should not go to these mediums for advice. Nowhere in the Torah does it say people should not communicate with their loved ones in the afterlife. And there’s no mention of not speaking to loved ones in the afterlife in the Christian canon anywhere. The Quran mentions Hamzaads and Judaism originated such creatures in the 16th century, called Dybbuks. Those are the only references to such demons. This is just a strange mythology that never was true.
Q &A
You don't KNOW anything. You BELIEVE your beliefs. You speak as if you have the answers to everything about everything.
All we know about the world comes from eye witnesses and experimental observations. And the results have been remarkable. We have learned truths that have changed humankind. In the same way, we have vast numbers of testimonies from people living in the life after this life. They have been verified by people who knew the individuals when they were on Earth, and their statements have been corroborated across their testimonies. Today we know the truth about this life and the next. We have the answers. You just have to open yourself up to studying what humankind has learned and listening to the speakers from the afterlife yourself.
Q &A
Do you constantly get new communications from the life after this life?
Yes, and so do you. You and I are constantly receiving messages from people in the afterlife. You just don’t realize it because they’re coming into the space where you do your thinking. Their thoughts are mingled with your own and you don’t register that it’s them communicating to you. You might be worried about something and suddenly a way to take care of the problem comes to you. Or you may be trying to make a decision and while you’re sleeping, the right decision comes to you. Those are communications from your guides and loved ones. You just don’t realize it because we have never been taught to realize that we receive guidance and messages all the time from people in the afterlife and our guides.
Q &A
How can I be sure during the afterlife communication that the answears are not coming from my conscious mind nor from my imagination?
You will learn to overcome the doubt about the communication. The reason people doubt the communication from people in the afterlife at first is because we communicate with them mind to mind. That happens in the space in our minds where we normally think. That space has always been private. We assume only we can think and feel in that space. When we learn to communicate with the people living in the life after this life, we receive their thoughts and their sentiments in the same place ours normally are. That takes getting used to. But you will when you communicate regularly. You’ll come to realize it’s their communication because you will have things come to you that you didn’t originate. You’ll come to realize that the private space is the place where you communicate with your loved ones.
Imagination requires that you intend to imagine. You can intend to imagine a loving message from one person to another. Then it comes to you as you shape it. In afterlife communication, you open your mind to the people in the afterlife and they come in and create the loving message. When a message unfolds without your intention to make it unfold, that is them communicating with you. The communication comes very fast. When you think a statement or question, the first notion of a response is them speaking to you. You don’t have time to think about it or judge it. You then respond and the first notion of what comes to you is their response. You will open that area of your mind where you think and they will be thinking with you. It isn’t imagination.
Q &A
You say that people won't be judged if they take their life, but you say the people who love them on this side and the next will grieve because they have ended their life. Isn't that a judgment?
There is no judgment in the afterlife outside of us. We judge ourselves. And the people around us on Earth and in the afterlife feel sentiments about actions that result from their judgments about the actions. We do make judgments about ourselves and other people. And we feel remorse and sadness because of what we have done and others do. That’s true here and it’s true there. But no god judges us. The universe doesn’t judge us. Yes, people who take their life are met with compassion and understanding, but also sadness and regret. That’s just human nature. And the people still on the Earth feel grief. That isn’t a judgment on anyone’s part. It is a reaction to what has happened.
To find happiness, you must get outside of yourself. As long as you stay confined in your own thoughts, you will feel grief. Break out of that cycle. Grief begets grief. Dedicate your life to doing things for others and find ways of ministering to them. When you do overcome this period of grief, you will have much to teach people going through the same state.
Q &A
I wonder in the afterlife, if there is a lot of beautiful music that cannot be heard on planet earth; A musical genre of its own. Could you hear songs that have not been written yet
Yes, they tell us there are instruments we have not envisioned on Earth in compositions more grand and moving than any we have experienced here. The famous composers are continuing their work, enhancing it with the new capabilities. During concerts, the atmosphere changes colors in keeping with the music. There is no need for records or other recording devices. Anything you want to listen to is simply available to you. As to whether there are country, pop, or other music commonly heard on Earth, I have not heard of that specifically, but we do know the artists from Earth are still composing and performing there, with exciting new sound advancements, so I’m sure those artists are still working there. There are vast auditoriums where concerts of all types are performed.
Q &A
There are no such things as ghosts! When people die, their spirits go to heaven or hell ( Lazarus and the rich man)!
Yes, there are people who leave their bodies behind but stay on the Earth plane. They can make themselves known to people, and occasionally can do frightening things around people still alive on Earth. They are not “demons.” There are malevolent entities, some of whom have never been people on Earth. There are thought forms created from the negative thoughts of people on Earth that never had a time as a corporeal being. Lumping them together as “demons” loses the fact that there are many entities on the Earth plane who are unseen, but affect people. Most are benign. As for the Jewish scriptures, the Hebrews did not believe in a life after this life. They believed after the death of the body, the person is just gone or hidden. They refer to that state as “Sheol.” The Christian church changed to believe there is an afterlife based on Jesus’ teachings.
Q &A
if I don't achieve the physique that I want here on Earth, can I have it in the afterlife?
I have not read of anyone working out and developing a great physique in the afterlife. But I do know that whatever you want to achieve is possible, as it is on Earth. You likely would have to work at it. I have no heard of gyms or weightlifting there either. But I’m sure if you wanted to have a workout room, you would have it. The facility would just be there for you.
Q &A
I too beleive that consciousness doesnt come from brain but for some reason the split brain exoeriment negates it.
Everything on Earth has a reason for it. There is a Sun for warmth and light. We eat food to nourish the body. When we end this life and go to the next, the body dies. As part of that appearance of causes and effects, the brain is just part of the scenery. During this role-playing, people have brain defects of all sorts, and some experiments alter the brain’s composition, showing up in their behavior. The person’s mind is playing the role of having a changed brain. But we know that people with Alzheimer’s often have terminal lucidity, in spite of their deteriorated brain that looks like Swiss cheese. They become alert, clear-minded, and articulate in the hours before the body dies. The mind isn’t in the brain, so what happens to the brain has no effect on the mind. In the same way, people blind from birth see during NDE experiences. Developmentally disabled people communicate clearly and intelligently through mediums. The mind is not affected by the condition of the body. The person maintains the role of having defects in the brain while still in Earth School. But the person is not in the brain and doesn’t need the brain. When the person is released from the brain with the death of the body, their mind is whole, healthy, and intelligent. It was never affected by the condition of the brain and body.
Q &A
I'm writing a diary to my deceased Darling . He died 10 days ago. We had a super strong obsessional love for each other. Writing a diary to him every day, will he read it in the afterlife where he is " based" or he will only read it as I write it in the moment?
Your darling is always receiving your thoughts and feeling your feelings. He knew from the moment he transitioned out of the body what you were thinking and feeling. And now he is undoubtedly staying close to you as you grieve. Nothing you say or feel is lost. He receives it all. He knows the words you are about to write before you write them, because he knows your thoughts. And when he continues into the activities of his new life, he will still always be only a thought away. When you think of him, he will come to you. You are never out of touch with each other.
Q &A
Are all animals will be in heaven?
We know all the pets we love are waiting for us in heaven. We also know that if we love or have feelings for an animal not a pet, that animal will have a life in the afterlife. It is our love that gives our pets and other animals life. As far as whether the forest animals are in heaven, that isn’t clear from the accounts we have. As we learn more about the afterlife from accounts, we will learn about whether all animals are present in heaven. We do know that there are vast forests and fields populated by all manner of animals we are accustomed to on Earth. No humans were on Earth when the dinosaurs roamed the land, so they probably don’t have a place in Heaven. But we have to rely on the testimonies of the residents, and we have no reports of species other than those we are accustomed to today on Earth.
Q &A
What about NDE’s who say they were in hell?
Virtually all NDEs have no experience of discord or negativity. A small number, estimated at 5%, describe a variety of negative experiences: hands wrestling with them, deep darkness, malevolent figures, and other such experiences. Most importantly, those few are inconsistent. They don’t describe a place or consistent entities or events. You have to understand that the near-death experience is only near death. The person is alive and in trauma. Emergency and medical personnel are manhandling them, shocking their bodies, plunging needles into them, and doing all manner of things to their bodies. That is the source of the bad dream the person is having.
The other 95% all have wonderful, uplifting encounters with a being with unconditional love, communication with their loved ones who are in the afterlife, visions of their upcoming life, and other wonderful experiences. Their senses are heightened, and they come away with vivid memories of the events.
But beyond that, we have many hundreds of thousands of communications from people who have gone the rest of the way and are in the afterlife. Their testimonies are that there is no such place as hell. It simply doesn’t exist. And the source of the mythology for most in the West is the Christian Church. But the earliest documents that were closest to Jesus have nothing about a hell in them.
Watch the YouTube at https://youtu.be/rVsCQiVe_Yk.
Q &A
Do you know if Satan is real, does he exist, if not, what is the purpose of their satanic sacrifices?
No, there is no such being as Satan. That is a creature created by the early Christian church based on Zoroastrianism. The Jewish scriptures referred to ha-satan, but that meant just an adversary. It was not one specific being. Ha-satan was a function within Yahweh’s kingdom, and in fact was considered a servant of God focusing on Earth. The early Christian church used the notion of a being that influenced people to keep parishioners in line. People who do things in the name of Satan are deluded, just as are people who did things in the name of Zeus, Mars, or Mithras.
Q &A
Will the perpetrators, who commit/ perform satanic rituals, wicked crimes on children, ever face justice?
Everyone is on some stage of spiritual development toward becoming compassionate and loving. People who are at a degenerative state of development are so because of their family, culture, and physical circumstances. They may not rise out of the state they are in during this life. They may have to learn while they are in the next life looking back at the person they were. And even then, it may take time for them to rise out of their state of mind. But there is no judgment or condemnation. They are in a stage of development. They will eventually rise out of their degenerative state into being loving and compassionate. It will just take time.
Q &A
Can anyone see oneself doing anything else other than what naturally flows out of one's being? (aka 'purpose of being in any realm').. if one's vessel (body) becomes a hindrance to that natural flow?
Instead, if someone’s Earth School situation is one in which they make themselves unhappy, they need to get out of the situation. We create our own unhappiness. We must change our life circumstances so we can avoid the issues or adjust to the issues so we have happiness in our lives.
As for whether things flow naturally out of a person, everything we do involves a choice. Things happen to us, but what we do with them is our choice. So if a pianist has her fingers crushed, she must find other happiness in her life than playing the piano. She makes the choice of whether to be devastated and give up on life or find other ways to be happy. Nothing is pre-ordained.
We cannot learn the lessons we are to learn if we are not in the crucible of the Earth realm. Here, the lessons are harder. We will learn in the next realm of life, but much of that learning is based on the person we have become and the lessons we have learned while on Earth. That is why Earth School precedes the next stage of our eternal lives. We are to learn the lessons only being in the difficult circumstances of Earth School can teach. We must leave Earth victorious and fulfilled, not in failure and incompleteness.
Q &A
My body still has a fear response in anger situations even though consciously I am aware that I dont have to be afraid.
Yes, you will have fear in a variety of situations in life because you were brought up to fear things. There are only two inborn fears: fear of falling and fear of loud noises. All the rest of the fears we have come from our upbringing on Earth. To live without fear, learn what it is that you learned to be fearful of and change your attitude so you no longer have the fear.
Q &A
My husband recently passed over months ago. Can I learn to communicate with him daily or is he off doing other things and I have to wait long periods to hear from him?
Yes, you can communicate with him as often and as long as you want. He will either come to you on the Earth plane when you want to have contact or will communicate mind to mind from wherever he is. He will be anxious to have regular contact with you. Don’t worry about whether it will take him from some other pursuits.
Q &A
What is its state of existence prior to incarnation? Do pre-incarnation entities ever communicate through mediums?
There are no “pre-incarnation” people. We are born into Earth School as tabula rasas, blank slates. We have no personality or abilities. We develop them in Earth School. We then continue with them through eternity.
Q &A
When I pass over will my wife recognize me and just like on earth will there be love between my wife and me can we become close and intimate again?
Oh, yes. You will both have bodies that were as they were in your 20s or 30s with no defects. You will have a wonderful reunion and will continue your relationship if you both desire it.
Q &A
Do you know if we have many friends on the other side?
Yes, we meet many people and become friends. We will have a wide range of friends and acquaintances. Some of the acquaintances will be higher-order beings we learned about on Earth, such as religious figures and other famous people. And, of course, we will have our more intimate circle, including ancestors we have not met on Earth.
Q &A
Will we be able to make up, with those who we have wronged in this lifetime & vice versa?
Yes. There is much patching up and restoration that happens. It’s part of the growth process. The next life, in what is called Summerland, is a time of growth in love, compassion, and wisdom. An important part of that growth is a life review, in which we relive incidents and feel the feelings and have the thoughts of others involved, including people we have wronged. We actually become that person and have all the same emotional experiences. That is for us to learn how our actions affected other people. We learn from that and become more understanding and compassionate. In our early time in the next life, especially, we will grow greatly in our understanding of ourselves and others. The experiences are far more deep and profoundly moving than anything we experienced on Earth. We will become changed people. With those changes, we will enter into new relationships and continue our growth. The life review is not a punishment. It is part of our development.
Q &A
It is frightening to think about the idea that in our next incarnation me and my loved ones switch roles and genders, and for example my brother will be my husband or something like that.
No, we don’t come back and “switch roles.” That’s a popular mythology. However, the new individuals who incarnate who are intertwined with us because their lives have a framework or fragments from our life may incarnate at the same time as other new individuals in our Higher Self who are intertwined with people in our lives now. It’s important to realize that we are all intertwined with each other to some extent. There is only one Universal Intelligence that is the source of all being. We are in the same Higher Self as a group of souls. And new individuals who incarnate on Earth are intimately related to people who have already graduated from Earth School. There may be some relationships similar to the conjecture that people change roles, but we stay the individuals we are. We don’t come back to Earth as another person and switch roles.
Q &A
Coming here again as still "me" in a different body, role, gender, circumstances etc. doesn't make any sense to me.
You’re right that the idea of any of us coming back to Earth and being a completely different person doesn’t make sense. That’s because it isn’t how things happen. We stay the individuals we are through eternity. Others come into Earth School. We may be intimately related to them. That is where the notion of coming back to live a new life or a past-life regression comes from.
Q &A
How can I imagine the higher self? Is it more like me only with greater consciousness, or me and other souls (soul group) with very close connection and interactions??
You can’t imagine the Higher Self. We can only describe generally how it functions. We are very limited in our view of reality. We see individual people in individual bodies. That is our conception of life. So we try to visualize the greater reality using the analogy. It doesn’t work. What we know is that we are part or a Higher Self, and the Higher Self is made up of many individuals. We are all related to each other or intertwined with each other. But otherwise, we have no correspondence. We are all seeking to learn lessons on Earth. As we learn lessons all of us in the same Higher Self develop. We are influencing each other. That’s all we can say about the Higher Self.
Q &A
Will we be able to listen to the music that has been created in the last 100 years on Earth in the life after this life somehow?
You will be able to listen to any music you want to. They tell us you can enter any period in Earth’s history and witness what was going on. You can go to any concert or other performance you want to. Of course, you’ll be unseen, unheard, and unfelt. If you have a real interest in music, you can join a group and learn to play any instrument of interest to you. They say there are instruments like those on Earth and many others unlike anything we have here.
Q &A
Is there something called the devil and the son of the devil with the mark of 666 like in the book of revelation?
No. The image of the devil or satan developed from Zoroastrianism. In the Hebrew bible, there was a “Satan” and a descriptive title “HaSatan,” referring to beings who oppose God or God’s plans. But Yahweh, the Hebrew god, treats the being he speaks to in Job as like another powerful figure, not a red, horned being with a pitchfork overseeing a hell. HaSatan was seen as a servant of God, not an independent entity. By the time of the writing of The Revelation of St. John in the early second century CE, the notions of hell and the devil had begun to take shape.
Q &A
Will I be able to travel to a wrestling show that I saw on TV on earth but I was never there in person?
We don’t have communications mentioning watching television shows, but we can generalize from what we do know that we’ll be able to go to any point in time and witness what happened then. That being so, you likely will be able to go onto the set of the show. But as I say, that’s speculation based on what we know to be true. No one from the afterlife has said that explicitly.
Q &A
Where do people live in the afterlife?
In the next life, we live in circumstances that fit our dispositions. It doesn’t matter what kind of life they led on Earth. The person they are when they arrive determines their living conditions. If a person is kind and loving, that person lives in a lovely, modest house with other people who are kind and loving. If a person is violent, angry, and spiteful, that person lives in circumstances that are less pleasant with others of like mind. They bicker with each other and carry on with their attitude of being uncaring and angry. There is no such place as “hell.” The place these people live together is being created by their minds. They all will eventually rise out of that place as they change their attitude and become more loving and compassionate. Wealth or lack of it on Earth has nothing to do with their state of mind or where they live in the afterlife.
Q &A
Seems the next plane is the ideal environment to just be and live fully. Why then should we continue here?
They tell us Earth is the nursery. Here, we gain our personalities, attitudes, level of love and compassion, memories, and all the rest of what makes us who we are. When we have developed that person, we can go on to the next life where we reflect on our lives here and learn from the reflection. This life is basic training. As for going on to the next life, we must finish our lessons here before we go on, and we must not decide when we move on to the next life. The exit point is part of the plan. For more on leaving earth early due to suicide, look at the video at https://youtu.be/LS0Ik986-i8
Q &A
Are things like autism completely "healed" in the afterlife, thereby curing me of my struggles but also robbing me of the virtues that come with them, or, will I somehow retain the positives and lose the negatives?
Autism is part of the body’s makeup. When you transition to the afterlife, you will lose all things having to do with this body. You will have a new body that is in your prime of life, usually 20s or 30s on Earth. When you first make the transition, you will be the same person mentally you were on Earth, so you will have some of the habits of life that resulted from your autism because they are part of your mental makeup. But they are just mental habits and won’t stay with you. You will quickly grow out of them because the physical conditions are gone. Your creativity and attention to detail will stay with you and will be enhanced, along with other talents and abilities you don’t even know you have. So the short answer is that everything that affects you about your autism will dissipate after the physical conditions that created it are gone.
Q &A
So lots of past life regression specialists and mediums say they have heard from people who have passed on living In the afterlife that the next step is reincarnation. What’s your view on that?
We base what we say on communication from people in the afterlife that is corroborated by more than one speaker. They tell us the phenomena are misconstrued. Yes, there are people who incarnate onto Earth to learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and enjoy the experiences whose lives are intertwined with someone who has already lived a life on Earth. The new person’s life has fragments or whole frameworks from that person who lived previously. That connection results in the affinity that is evidenced in past-life regressions, which are actually intertwined-life regressions.
What is the essence of an individual who would come back as a completely different individual? How can we say that is the same person? That view of reincarnation never made sense. And now that we have many hundreds of thousands of communications from the afterlife saying we stay the individuals we are, but our lives are intertwined with new residents of Earth, all the evidence for reincarnation makes sense.
Q &A
I wish we could make a experiment to see the afterlife for real. Not bring someone back this time but travel to the afterlife without killing someone.
We have all the evidence. People have materialized from the afterlife. Even if one of them was video recorded, people wouldn’t believe it. We have people from the afterlife on recordings describing what people on this side of life have been doing. But people don’t believe the recordings are real. Knowing the reality of life after death of the body just requires being open minded and looking at the evidence. It’s already here. Read my book, Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt You Will Never Die.
Q &A
My husband passed into the next life 1 1/2 years ago. He still wakes me almost every morning with lights in my eyes, why?
Your husband wakes you in the morning as he would when he leaned over to kiss you in the morning as you awakened. It’s his way of saying how much he loves you and is still around you.
Q &A
If I show love and compassion to people, but they're being negative to me, what should I do?
Your actions in life have nothing to do with other people’s actions. You show love and compassion in the face of adversity. It is called foiling the system. When someone is habitually abusive, it’s because the person being abused is playing their role in the system to be injured and hurt or defensive and angry. That system will continue as long as both people keep the system intact. Break out of the system. Instead of being habitually abusive, be kind and compassionate.
You will gain nothing by being confrontative and angry. If someone is hateful and harmful to you, you have no responsibility to have further interactions with them. You don’t need to have them in your life. When you do have interactions, be loving and compassionate in spite of their negative behavior. Foil the interactive system. They will either leave the system or increase their negativity. In either event, you then decide whether you want to continue to interact with them.
Q &A
Is my afterlife body stronger than an olympic athlete and is my afterlife mind smarter than a genius?
No, you won’t have super powers. You will be the same person you are, only with a body in your 20s or 30s with no blemishes or defects. Now, as to what you can do, you will be able to use your mind to make things happen, but it will take you awhile to learn how, and it still takes effort. You will not be able to make a whole building appear using your mind, but you will be able to use your thought to enhance the bricks you lay to make the building.
In other words, you will enter the afterlife with the same abilities you have now. You will learn to cultivate using your mind to enhance all of your activities, but you will not have unusual super abilities. But there are other abilities you will have that you’re not thinking of now. You will be able to travel by intending to be somewhere. You will have books read themselves to you, with the author’s true intention becoming evident. You will be able to use your intention to make cars and boats move forward. You will have many abilities you can’t even dream of here.
Q &A
How can we know for sure that mediums connect with our loved ones instead of telepathically get the information and pictures from our mind?
We have many hundreds of thousands of records of readings by mental mediums. Many contain information the medium could not have known. And we have 12 other methods of afterlife communication that contain information the mediums could not have known. As a result, we know we can communicate with loved ones living in the afterlife. That shows our own communications with our loved ones are possible.
In the many, many self-guided afterlife communications we have had, people have fluent dialogues with their loved ones in the afterlife that couldn’t come spontaneously from someone just imagining the dialogue, and the dialogues contain information the individual having the communication didn’t know until told by the person in the afterlife. So we know these communications are valid because afterlife communication is being done in a variety of ways, all with their own validations. And we know the communications are valid because people communicate fluidly and easily in the connections in ways that wouldn’t happen if we were daydreaming or imagining the dialogue. And people learn things they didn’t know that turn out to be true.
The best way to learn that these communications are valid is for you to go through the training at https://afterlifeinstitute.org/self-guided/ and see for yourself. You will realize they are valid communications.
Q &A
I'm lonely and unhappy. Why would I have planned such a life?
Yes, life can be pretty dismal. But you didn’t plan that. You planned to have circumstances that could make you feel lonely and unhappy. Whether you then allowed yourself to feel those emotions is a choice you’re making now.
You must find a way out of your circumstances. That may mean giving up on everything you have and starting over. It likely will mean not being attached to what is being taken from you. As Joseph Campbell wrote, “Follow your bliss.” Change your life to be what you wish it was, even if that means giving up on everything you’re involved in now.
Focus your energies on other people. Don’t think about what you don’t have. Go out and help people so they have what you can give them. Volunteer at a hospital, hospice, retirement home, daycare, school, or other place. Focus on your gifts to people what they need. You will give your life fullness and meaning.
Q &A
So once I'm in the afterlife, does this mean I'll never incarnate ever again and instead stay in eternity for good, even though there's no reincarnation?
Yes, our time on Earth was just the preparation for our spiritual growth throughout eternity. It has been called the “nursery.” Here, we acquired our personalities and had difficult experiences so we could then carry them into our maturation in the next realm.
The idea of “incarnation” is misunderstood. We don’t come into a physical world as physical beings. We instead have only the mind, so we “focus” on this world and have body experiences. We don’t become physical in the sense of having a body outside of our minds. We just are attuned to the experiences in the Earth realm.
Your thinking now is focused on Earth. You see the next activities of your eternal life as being extensions of Earth, as though you lived to be 150 years old and lived the last 70 years in the next life. What you see as your life in the next life is just a horizon you can sense, but not fully understand. You know it will be like this life. There, you will learn and grow in your love and compassion. But when you’re there, you’ll see another horizon you can’t see now. It is the next stage in your life. And when you arrive at that horizon, you’ll see another horizon you couldn’t understand before you reached that point in your understanding. Your future life will be a continual process of evolving to see but not fully understand the next horizon, growing to understand the new horizon, continuing one horizon after another. Right now, you can’t see what those next horizons will be. But you will continue to mature and evolve.
Q &A
If there's people in my life that I don't like for the way they're treating me and if I'm in the afterlife, can I stay away from such people?
You don’t have to stay away from people you don’t want to see. It is a law of nature that they will not come into your presence because of your feelings.
Q &A
What about the Ouija boards and hope spirit box?
The Ouija board has been used by Spiritualists for a long time. It is an effective way of communicating with those living in the afterlife. The problem with a Ouija board is that people whose intentions are not on a high spiritual level connect with low-level spirits intent on doing mischief. When we connect with our loved ones, we are automatically on a higher spiritual level. Lower level spirits can’t interfere. We and the Spiriualists before us connect only with the people we want to connect with. When people get on the Ouija board for entertainment, they are open to lower-level spirits. But that’s true of any attempt to connect with people in spirit. People doing voice recordings in haunted houses will get lower-level spirits because their intent isn’t on a higher spiritual level. On the other hand, people who want to connect with their loved ones using recorders do get their loved ones’ responses. They are on a higher spiritual level because of their love and intent to connect with someone they love. As for “ghost boxes” or “spirit boxes,” they are not valid. They spit out random words and phrases. The listeners then fit them into some narrative. That isn’t valid electronic voice capture. In valid electronic voice phenomena (EVP) or instrumental transcommunication (ITC), the person on this side of life asks a question or makes a statement. The response is immediate and is relevant to the question or statement. That happens all the time, so we know it’s valid contact.
Q &A
If it's true we can function without the brain then why do have such incredibly complex brains and amazing sense organs to begin with?
It’s all part of the play. We are in Earth School to learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and enjoy the experiences. There is a reason for everything in this play. We need warmth and light, so we have a sun. There is no sun in the afterlife. We need to sustain the body. So we eat and drink. There is no need for food or drink in the afterlife, although we may eat and drink if we want to. On Earth, we have to have a reason we can see, hear, feel, smell, and touch, so there is a brain. But it’s just part of the scenery. The experiences come to our mind without using a brain. Read my book, There Is Nothing but Mind and Experiences.
Q &A
I am curious to know what happens to the billionaires such as bill gates and others when they die. they seem to be less than generous on this plane of existence and seek only power and wealth. what happens to these people later on?
Everything is based on our state of mind, not actions. A wealthy person may be loving and generous. A poor person may be malicious and cruel. Their places in Summerland will be based on their state of mind, not their wealth or lack of it. The loving, generous person will live in Summerland, where most people from Earth go. Malicious and cruel people will live with other malicious and cruel people in the lower regions. It is not a hell. There is no hell. It is a place that is dimmer, has foul odors, and has people ranting at each other. They create that realm by their state of mind. They eventually will rise up out of it when they grow in their love, regard for others, and compassion.
Q &A
If its so wonderful why would we be here? Why wouldn't we just stay there.
They call Earth the “nursery.” Here, we gain our personalities, memories, attitudes, skills, and other parts of our personality. It is a crucible, with good and bad actors. We need that texture to develop ourselves spiritually. In this environment of conflict, we can grow to be more loving and compassionate. But this is all in preparation for the learning we will go through in our next lives.
Q &A
Not everyone can just go to a bank to withdraw money and that in itself has been a cause of suicide
Yes, we live in a materialistic world. People have been reared to believe happiness and contentment with life must come from being able to purchase things. But that is a very modern phenomenon. Throughout history, the average person lived on subsistence, from farming season to farming season, with some periods of hunger. Whether they were happy and lived with people who loved them didn’t depend on what they owned. Our happiness is not dependent on any things. Even people who have meager housing and food can be happy. Happiness has nothing to do with material possessions.
Q &A
It makes you wonder about Hitler, Goring, Heidrych, Mengele and other who committed unspeakable crimes. When they meet their victims. Some things are hard to forgive.
No one sees people they don’t want to see. They just don’t come into view or contact. However, the folks you mention are likely on lower levels, not the Summerland nearly all people from Earth go to. The lower levels are not a hell. There is no hell. Instead, the conditions of the people’s minds living there create unpleasant conditions, with dimmer light, odors, shouting, and arguing. The people living in Summerland never have contact with them unless they are counsellors who go to the lower levels to help people grow out of their conditions. Eventually, all will grow out of their state of mind and will emerge into the higher levels.
Q &A
Do parallel realities exist and is everything an illusion?
There is no evidence to suggest there are parallel universes or multiverses. That is pure speculation by some physicists. There are millions of other realms with people living unique lives. People from Earth go to Summerland. It is as real an solid as Earth. People there at first don’t realized they’ve entered another realm because it is exactly like Earth. Neither this life nor the next is an illusion. They are real worlds.
Q &A
The priest are saying that we don t have a body. They also say that is heaven and hell. I mean, happily ever after seems too good to be true. Maybe because I am used to a tragic life, it is so hard to believe in a better world. What is the purpose în the afterlife? Just to live happy?
The religions have a primitive understanding of both this life and the afterlife. Today, we know more than humankind has ever known about the afterlife. We have many thousands of testimonials from people living there about what life is like. Humankind is just now learning the truth. We have bodies as they were in our 20s or 30s on Earth. We can eat, drink, have sex, take walks, ski or snowboard, swim in the ocean, play ball, and all the other things we love doing on this side of life. In the next life, we continue to grow in wisdom, love, and compassion. Imagine a world in which we are working at being more loving and more compassionate. And we do so with activities just like this life. We have jobs, do things for fun, have gatherings of people, go to presentations, drive cars or ride in boats, have sporting events, and all the other things we do on Earth. People enjoy their lives and strive to grow in love and wisdom. That is the primary difference. On Earth, we strive to earn money and gain possessions. In the next life, we lose those needs. We are more concerned with becoming wise and loving. That life is heaven. But there is no hell. That is a myth created by the church.
Q &A
The big downside of the afterlife is that there are no dogs and cute animals there to cuddle! There is no sense of touch in the afterlife. Also, there is no nice food to eat!
We have bodies in the afterlife just as we have on Earth, with all the sensations we normally associate with the body. They are as we were in our 20s or 30s on Earth, with no blemishes. Watch our video at https://youtu.be/V4ETgVNKW0I. They enjoy all the sensual pleasures we have on Earth, including eating, drinking, and smoking if they want it. Watch our videos at https://youtu.be/4mkBnmrvV48 and https://youtu.be/9EhC1TbO2Qc. And all the pets we love are there. Watch our video at https://youtu.be/jf7zYr5VI6I.
Q &A
I've read and viewed probably thousands of NDE reports, and I really don't see much discussion of the inner, psychological aspects.
People in the next life don’t lose their state of mind or emotions. They are the same in the next life as in this. The differences are that they know they are eternal beings and they gradually lose the baggage they had on Earth. But they still become sad, angry, frustrated, and unhappy at times, all from their interactions with people still on Earth or their concern for people on Earth. Imagine a world in which there is no need to be sad, angry, frustrated, and unhappy because people’s interactions are characterized by love and compassion for each other. As people drop off their old issues they carried from Earth, their lives become full of love and joy. But when they see people they love in interactions on Earth, they may feel sad, angry, frustrated, or unhappy with what people they love are doing to other people. But it is always with the issues people on Earth are having with each other.
Q &A
Descriptions of the afterlife all sound like someone on a trip or having a manic episode where everything is wonderful and there are no problems. Sorry but you can't have up without down, there's got to be a downside.
We’re accustomed to the downside on Earth. There is suffering and unhappiness. But we do it to ourselves, with the exception of pain, disease, malnourishment, and death of the body. Take those four away and we’re left with what people do to other people as the only problem that keeps people from being happy. That goes away when we start being loving and compassionate with each other, as people do in the next life when they realize we are eternal beings and they have their needs met. That’s all it takes to make a Heaven. Those conditions are characteristic of the next life: no pain, disease, malnourishment, and death. And people have a genuine love and compassion for each other.
Q &A
Suicide is a Sin. Such people wander in the earth plane.
Nowhere in the Jewish or Christian canon is there a statement that suicide is a “sin.” And all the reports we have from people now living in the afterlife tell us that people who have taken their own life are met with love and understanding. And they tell us there is no “sin” or punishment for what someone does on Earth. And the notion that they wander in the Earth plane is superstition that has no basis in any facts we know about this life and the next.
Q &A
Just because NDE's are not completely understood scientifically doesn't mean they are supernatural.
During the NDEs, patients completely unresponsive and brain dead are able to describe intricate occurrences in the emergency or operating room. They are able to describe things happening outside of the room in other areas of the hospital or on the roof of the hospital. People blind from birth are able to see during their NDEs and describe the sights of things happening in the room or in other rooms of the hospital. The events are remembered in great detail when the brain is flatlined and the senses aren’t working. They cause great, positive changes in experiencers. All of these are evidence the near-death experience is a look into the other realm we all eventually enter. There is no natural or medical explanation for what happens during the NDE.
Q &A
What about our life review? Isn’t that the first thing that happens when we cross over?
The communications we receive describe two life reviews after crossing over. The first is quicker and less in depth. The second occurs later, and can be put off. The later one is where we become, emotionally and cognitively, the other people involved in our interactions at important periods in our life. We feel their feelings as they felt them, with all their baggage they bring to the interaction. That isn’t a punishment. It’s meant to teach us the effect our actions had on others while we were on the Earth plane.
Q &A
Do you really think that the world would be better off without religion?
Yes, but not in the way you might be envisioning. “Religion” is not the same as “spirituality.” Religions have to do with rituals and dogma. They have done great harm to humankind. In other words, they are not spiritual. Spirituality means what Jesus said: “love God and love others.” Those are the great actions for us on Earth. A spiritual person knows the reality that there is nothing but God. God is not a separate entity. Everything is God, Our Universal Intelligence. And we are part of Our Universal Intelligence taking on roles. We love God by loving all that is. And because we are all one with each other, we should have love and compassion for all people and creatures. When we come to regard all as God and act with love and compassion to others, we are being spiritual. When all of humankind realizes that and acts in that way toward others, there will be peace on Earth. So we need spirituality, but there is no need for rituals and dogma to lead a spiritual life.
Q &A
If people who took their own lives have to feel the sadness of everyone around them, then they are being judged, aren't they?
No, it isn’t a judgment. No one puts them into the condition of receiving the feelings an thoughts of their loved ones. It is just a normal part of life. We also get the thoughts and feelings of people around us that we receive their their actions and voices. They are not judgments on us. They are simply knowing how the other person feels. That is what it is like when a person who took their own life receives the thoughts and feelings of people they love in this life and the next.
Q &A
Can we access to an ectoplasmic voice box to be able to directly call loved ones or it needs certain skills or connected to more complicated tools.
No, the ability to have an ectoplasmic voice box form is very rare in people. The foremost direct-voice medium was Leslie Flint in the 20th century. There are also materialization mediums who have people from the afterlife materialize in seances, and they speak through ectoplasmic voice boxes. But we can’t create an ectoplasmic voice box. It is created by a team of scientists and specialists on the other side in the presence of a special type of medium.
Q &A
What if you see ghosts in your dreams? Are you having a short of connection with them?
If you encounter people in your dreams, it will be your loved ones, not random people we might call ghosts. You will know if it’s a dream visitation because it will be clearer than usual, will contain visions or words from the person that fit their character, are full of love, and you remember them after you awaken. If you see a “ghost” that is like Halloween, then it’s a bad dream, not a visitation.
Q &A
Are these files real voices recorded from the loved ones?
They are the thoughts and messages from the people in the afterlife. Their bodies and vocal mechanisms are deteriorating with the body somewhere. The voice sounds come from an ectoplasmic voice box that forms on the medium’s shoulder. As to the quality of the voices, the people who knew them attest to the fact that the voices have all the qualities of the person they knew when they were on Earth. When the person in spirit projects their thoughts onto the ectoplasmic voice box, it takes on the qualities of their voice based on their memory of what their voice sounded like and the Akashic record of what their voice sounded like. The content, language, vocabulary, sentence cadence, and other qualities are identical to what the person would have said because those are mind qualities that continue when the person goes into the next life.
Q &A
Do people who commit suicide go to hell?
Absolutely no! People who take their own life don’t go to “Hell.” They are not judged for what they did. They are met with love and compassion. They do regret what they did, and must experience the grief and sadness all the people they left on Earth and those already in the afterlife are feeling as result of their action. And they soon realize they lost the opportunity to make a fulfilling life on Earth by overcoming the obstacles. But no one judges them. And there is no such thing as the terrible mythology of a Hell. Watch our video at https://youtu.be/rVsCQiVe_Yk
Q &A
What is your expectation of a satisfactory proof of life after death?
(1) The characteristics of an individual whose body is dead are verified by people on this side of life as being characteristic of the person they know, (2) The person in spirit reports things about the current life of the person on this side of life showing they are presently alive and aware, (3) The person now living in the afterlife appears to and converses with people living on Earth, (4) The person in spirit tells people through mediums information the mediums and others with the medium could not have known–only the person in spirit knows, (5 ) The person in spirit is able to respond directly to questions asked by laying their voice on an audio recorder’s electromagnetic tracks that play back as the voice answering the questions, (6) The person living in the afterlife gives messages in a person’s dreams or self-guided afterlife communications that are characteristic of the person in spirit and contain information the person on Earth could not have known, (7) The person in the afterlife is able to give messages through several mediums that when combined form a complete message, (8) The person in spirit is able to manipulate a pencil or painting devices to create messages on paper that are relevant to the person on Earth, (9) People whose bodies have ceased to function temporarily have vivid experiences of loved ones, of events happening around the body when the body is insensate, and of travelling far away from the body where they describe events, things being said, and objects after being revived.
Q &A
There is no such thing as hell? That is not what the Bible says.
Q &A
As I am watching your video it feels like my face is being touched which is normal for me it happened last night some times I feel tingles has I walked around my house I hope its my mum.
Yes, you’ll receive signals such as a touch. You’ll immediately have the sense, “It’s Mum.” The sense comes with the signal. You can imagine how many senses you have during a day: thousands of them. You smell things, feel sensations on your skin, hear familiar songs, smell familiar smells, see things like coins or feathers. They all pass into your consciousness and out again in an instant. They don’t have an effect on you. But when you experience something and at the same time it reminds you of your mum, that is the impression that tells you it’s her. Then, when you respond to it, she’s more likely to give you the same sensation again when she’s around. The sense it’s her will come along with the signal.
Q &A
What is afterlife? Do we go to other planet that is similar to earth? Or if this is what we called as multiverse?
What the people living in the next realm of life tell us is that their world, called by some Summerland, is just like Earth, only much more glorious, with none of the negatives. As for where it is, it’s just a change of focus. It isn’t a “there.” It’s “here.” We become attuned to it as when we are standing looking at a waterfall one moment and turn to see a mountain the next. They also tell us there are millions of planes and spheres with different focuses. We enter the one that is most familiar to us, like Earth. And the region we live in is most like our unique environment on Earth. There are colonies of Chinese, Arabs, Native Americans, and so on. Everett’s notion of the multiverse or many worlds has no basis in fact. It’s just a hypothesis. In any event, it isn’t parallel to the millions of planes and spheres in the afterlife because they are not created when a choice is made and reality splits into two universes, each fitting one of the choices. Instead, it’s like the countries on Earth we can fly to. We leave Earth and go to another country in our focus and live there.
Q &A
Is there any hope for those who commit suicide? In that, things eventually get better for them and those left behind at some point?
Emotions are the same as they are on Earth, but they have a perspective on life and the eventual reunion of everyone that most people now on Earth don’t have. When someone takes their life, the people on this side of life grieve because the exit wasn’t necessary. That grief will lost a long time, and eventually stabilizes, but doesn’t go away entirely. For people living in the life after this life, they feel that grief and also realize what they’ve lost. So their sadness continues. Eventually, they will grow beyond the grief, just as their loved ones on Earth grow beyond it. And because they realize the life on Earth is just a blink of an eye, their grief is tempered by the fact that they know they will have a reunion with the people still on Earth in a short time. And they can look in on their loved ones on Earth at any time. What they feel is a mixture of these emotions. So their sadness and regret do eventually reduce.
Q &A
Sounds like their personalities might change to the point of us still on this plane not recognizing them. Can you clarify?
They are the same person. It’s just as though they had gotten on a plane and traveled to some beautiful place to live. They don’t suddenly change to someone else. They will continue to grow in wisdom, but will be the same person you know when you travel there to be with them.
Q &A
Why should such a soul who took his life have to continue to suffer anguish on the other side?.
We are the same person in the next life as in this life. If we did something that made the people around us feel grief, we would feel guilty about it. For example, if someone killed their mother or brother, and was still on Earth, that person would feel remorse and all the family would feel grief. The same thing happens when a person takes their own life. They then realize what they have done and the anguish they caused. They feel grief over it. They also receive the thoughts and emotions of people still on Earth, so they grieve that their loved ones are grieving. It is just a normal fact of life. Just as we would feel anguish over something we did on this side of life, people feel anguish over what they did in the next life.
He is always available to communicate with you. Regardless of where he is living and his level of development, he received your thoughts as though he were standing in front of you. You can communicate with him. You tell hi you love him to the deepest depths, always. He will hear those words and feel your heartfelt sentiments. You don’t need someone else to convey that.
As far as what caused his depression, you must ask him yourself. He may not tell you. They often don’t want to go into what was going on in their daily lives.
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I have a book called the Bible consisting of 66 books written by 40 authors over the span of 2000 years recreated in every language know to mankind. It contains the truth.
There is much superstition in the world about the end of life and the afterlife. The ancient books don’t have the answers. They were written when people didn’t understand anything about this life and the next. They were tribal people. We wouldn’t believe them about things like how people get infections, what the stars are, what matter is made up of, or any of the other things we know about today. Following ancient texts as though they had the truth is like following an ancient text that said the heavens had eight crystalline spheres the heavenly bodies traveled on, or that bleeding people would make them well. They’re just archaic misinformation. The same is true of the dusty old texts from millennia ago. And there are 4,200 world religions, each with its own set of text proclaiming that theirs is the truth from God and the other 4,199 texts are rubbish. Don’t believe the old texts. Believe what we have learned to to be true over he past two centuries.
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My husband passed away on my birthday after 5 wks in intensive care following surgery. Was this his intention and if so why would he choose my birthday to leave me devastated on this day ?
No, he didn’t choose the day he would transition to the next life. His passing was planned by the planning group planning his life before he was born, but as for setting the exit point on your birthday, that was not planned. It was just a coincidence. The planning group also had more than one exit point. They chose one when it was time because he had accomplished his goals. But planning it on your birthday would not have been part of the plan.
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Tell me why over 90% of people who have NDE either become Christians or religious and new age.
I’m very curious to know where you read that 90% of people who have NDEs become Christians or new age believers. Many people who have had NDEs do acquire a more spiritual nature, but I hadn’t heard they converted to Christianity. As for who created this life and the next, there is nothing but Our Universal Intelligence or the Source. There is nothing but God. And the realms people live in, including the Earth realm, Summerland, and the millions of other realms people in the afterlife describe are all creations of the people who live in them, through Our Universal Intelligence.
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Doesn't Jesus talk about hell more than anyone else in the Bible?
The word translated “Hell” by the early translators was actually “Gehenna” or “Valley of Hinnom.” It was a ravine outside of Jerusalem where garbage was dumped and burned. In earlier years, there were human sacrifices there. The early translators of the Bible assumed “Gehenna” was “Hell” and mistranslated it. Later versions of the Bible corrected the problem. The word “Hades” in some verses was not a reference to a fiery place. It meant “the unseen realm after death of the body.” Read our website page at https://30ce.com/jesusonhell.htm.
More importantly, there is no mention of a fiery punishment in the earliest Christian texts: Acts of the Apostles, Mark, and Paul’s epistles. It would have been a remarkable omission if the choice was to live eternally in a fiery pit or believe Jesus was a god. By the time the later gospels, Luke, Matthew, John, and the Revelation of John, were written, the church had already begun establishing the beginnings of the myth of a place of fiery torment.
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I have faith in God and am worried my loved one who committed suicide is gone forever and is being punished.
I understand your faith. I was a born-again Christian and on the faculty of a Baptist college. It isn’t a matter of choosing faith or what we are saying about the life after this life. Go to the Jesus’ words for guidance. Jesus said to those condemning a woman caught in adultery, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” What he was saying was that we are all “sinners.” We could never be perfect enough. He was saying don’t judge others. And more importantly, God does not judge people. In Matthew, he said “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” There is no judgment or condemnation for taking one’s life. There is no one who must be good to enter the Kingdom of God. There is no judgment or condemnation.
More importantly, we have received many, many reports from people now living in the life after this life that there is no judgment of someone who takes their life. There is no punishment. There is only understanding and empathy.
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My husband passed away only 8 weeks ago. is it too soon to try and connect or see a medium as feel desperate to hear from him.
You asked about whether it is too soon to connect with your husband. Not at all. He has been available to communicate with you. The limitation is that your grief is so fresh it may keep you from being able to relax into having the afterlife connection happen. Try it. Go through the training at https://afterlifeinstitute.org/self-guided/. If you break down with grief, give it a rest and try in a few weeks.
Otherwise, yes, you can contact a medium. A medium will be able to connect now.
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What is an average normal day like in the afterlife without physical the physical body?
So people in the afterlife live normal lives. They do things they enjoy as their work. They engage in recreation, go to watch plans and sporting events, travel, swim, get together for events, and all the things we do on Earth, plus many more.
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Can you please address specifically how the audio of each recording is extremely clear? Do you know what ghostboxes were used?
No, the ghost boxes and Frank boxes just spit out words at random. We only accept recordings that are direct, relevant responses to questions people ask. The recordings that are so clear and extensive come from direct-voice mediums and materialization mediums. In both cases, people from the afterlife project their thoughts into an ectoplasmic voice box that creates the vibrations on air that result in audible voices. They are not akin to the recordings people make using ghost boxes or Frank boxes. We do get these types of recordings that are words and phrases only using a variety of methods. But in all these methods, the researcher asks a question and the immediate response is to the question asked. Listen to some at https://afterlifeinstitute.org/itc/
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Will I automatically understand the impressions or symbols a loved one is communicating when I connect with them?
You will receive the impressions or symbols, but you must learn to be attuned to them. The impressions or symbols will come. Then you need to be accustomed to accepting the first notion that it is your loved one connecting with you. You go through your day with impressions continually coming into your mind. You don’t have the sense an impression or symbol is coming from your loved one. Then, in the middle of your day, you see something or have the impression of something and suddenly your loved one comes to mind. That is the sign it is from them. The other 24 hours of the day you won’t get that impression. That’s how you know it’s them connecting with you.
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When connecting with a loved one do I need to do psychic protection?
There is disagreement about whether you need a prayer of protection before you begin your communication. When your focus is on having a spiritual connection with your loved one, that puts you on a higher state of vibration. Lower-level entities can’t interfere. But it doesn’t hurt and will set the mental intention to communicate, so just say a short prayer of protection. “Bathe my family, my pets and family, the room I am in, and me in a white light of divine protection.” That’s all you need.
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if a spirit is earthbound how will I know when i'm connecting and if a spirit is in heaven on higher vibration how will i know?
You don’t need to know your loved one’s status in the afterlife. They can come to you from wherever they are. Just focus on the communication. And it’s highly unlikely your loved one is earthbound. That is an unusual state. But even if they are earthbound, they can communicate with you and they’ll explain that they’re staying around you for some reason.
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I believe in the afterlife but for some reason I do not feel my loved one that passed away 6 months ago. When i have thoughts in my mind I feel I struggle from what my thoughts are versus if I am really connecting.
You’re expecting too much and have not become attuned to mind-to-mind communication or the sense of presence. We’re not taught to understand these communications. Our culture is so focused on external things that the internal workings we all have are not understood at all. As you go through your day, do you have moments when you suddenly remember something from your past with your loved one. At the same time, do you have a feeling about them stronger than usual. That is because they are with you at that moment and are thinking with you. They are bringing to mind what you’re feeling and remembering. As you notice these sudden feelings, you’ll get used to realizing your loved one is with you then.
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I didn't think we felt sadness in the afterlife.
People feel the entire range of emotions in the life after this life. They feel sad, angry, frustrated, joyful, relieved, and all the other emotions. They don’t have depression or other such lasting negative emotions. The physical reasons for emotions on Earth are gone. There are no physical maladies in the life after this life, including the chemicals that result in depression. People do feel sad at times, but the sadness is situational and doesn’t last. It usually has to do with people still on Earth.
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There's no way recordings this clear could have been produced with medium Leslie Flint.
Yes, it is a recording of the deceased. Leslie Flint was tested hundreds of times by all manner of researchers. The voices came regardless of the tests. He was bound to his chair, had colored water put into his mouth that he had to spit out at the end, had surgical tape across his mouth, and had a throat microphone on so any utterance would be detected. The voices still came. For these recordings of Annie Nanji speaking to her husband, Annie knew things about Dr. Nanji’s everyday life the medium could never have known. As far as the quality of the recordings, we have thousands of them. There could be no source other than the people in the afterlife. They spoke through a voice mechanism made of flesh from the medium’s body. That is why they are so clear.
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Why do we hear about people coming back in reincarnation when we remain individuals throughout eternity?
There are still two viewpoints on reincarnation. But what we’re receiving from people living in the afterlife is clear. We do not return to Earth. When people have past-life regressions and we hear accounts that people in the afterlife describe other lives, those are the lives of others in the Higher Self with whom we’re intertwined. The widespread conception that we come back to Earth as a different personality comes from the Eastern religions. And some people speaking from the afterlife refer to their other lives. That causes confusion. But it’s just that we’re not getting the full nuance of their references when they speak. Those other lives were lives in the person’s Higher Self. In that sense, the Higher Self has many incarnations. But the members of the Higher Self, we as individuals, stay the individuals we are.
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I have heard that in the afterlife there is a body, that there is physiciality and light, water, and many realities like earth only nicer. Is this wishful thinking?
What you have heard about the afterlife is true. It has the characteristics of Earth. People have bodies; there is light but no Sun; there is no night, but sometimes a twilight; there are houses, cities, seas, mountains, and other areas as we have on Earth. But, as you say, everything is much nicer.
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Often I feel like a gentle caress on my left cheek and also feel a chill. Could it be one of my parents giving me a sign?
Yes. The understanding comes with the experience. If you felt a sensation on your cheek, you likely wouldn’t take notice of it or would brush it off. But if you immediately had the impression it was your parents, that message is the validation it is them.
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Can you tell me where our souls resided prior to our incarnation on Earth? What plane of reality?
We tend to think of things separate from other things. That’s part of the Earth realm. However, the aspects of Our Universal Intelligence are both separate for the roles they play and one at the same time. We are aspects of Our Universal Intelligence. We didn’t begin our role until we started using the body. But we have always lived as Our Universal Intelligence. As we grew up in Earth School, we became the personalities we are today. But we are still facets of Our Universal Intelligence. In other words, the unique personalities we are came into being through living on Earth. Those personalities did not exist as personalities before we developed. But as facets of Our Universal Intelligence, our essence has always existed. As for the plane of reality, they tell us from the afterlife that there are millions of planes. We are in the Earth School plane now. When we go on from Earth, we will go to what is called Summerland. At the same time, other sentient beings are developing on other planes and spheres. But we are all one in Our Universal Intelligence.
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Why can't anyone living in the afterlife tell us about the location or the geography of it?
There is no spatial location. It is a change of focus. Right now, we’re focused on this Earth realm. It happens automatically. Some people are able to change focus and have brief excursions off of the Earth realm vibration. But for the most part, our focus is fixed. When we go on to the next life, we will have a change of focus. But it isn’t in a location. It’s entirely mental. But we do know about the geography of the afterlife. We have many detailed descriptions. Read Anthony Borgia’s Life in the World Unseen.
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So, Craig, are you now saying there is/are spiritualist versions of hell where people torment/torture each other?
It isn’t a hell in any of the senses of the word. It’s just as though the person were living in a setting on Earth where people are in gangs and there are robberies and murders. We have the places on Earth. The person whose mind is cruel, sadistic, and violent will be in a similar area where other people of like mind live. If someone on this side of life is not of the inclination to be cruel, sadistic, and violent, they will live what we would call a “normal” life. That person will live in an area much like they lived in on Earth, with people who are also not cruel, sadistic, and violent. Our families will live together unless a member is cruel, sadistic, and violent. That person will live in the less pleasant area, but those who love the person will be able to visit and help them to change their state of mind so they rise up out of that environment.
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if we are depressed by nature we will stay that way?
No, depression is a result of physical issues. They are gone when the Earth body dies. The person then unlearns the mental issues rapidly and functions normally. No one remains depressed in the afterlife, although they may be sad about things happening to their loved ones on Earth and the condition of Earth itself.
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I think of singers i havent heard in years next day that song is on the radio. Same as thinking of people and within a few days they call. I dont know what that makes me a sensitive??
You only remember the times when that happens. You don’t take into account all of the other times a song you think of doesn’t come on the radio. And recalling it sensitizes you to it so you notice when you hear it. On the other hand, if a song you recall had significance to a person in the afterlife, it is very possible that person is inspiring you to listen to the radio when that song is played. It isn’t that they make the song play, but that they know it will play and will stay close to you to remind you of its significance.
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I keep asking them to come and get me. 59 years old and miserable
You still have lessons to learn and experiences to have. If you’re miserable, you’re caught in a net. When you struggle against the net, you get nowhere. Look for the hole in the net. It is something you would not have considered. It is outside of your normal thinking and activity. But it is attractive to you. Go through that hole and escape the net you’re in. When everything around you is a net, look outside of your net to find what will bring you bliss.
Q &A
Will we have bodies we recognize in the afterlife?
Yes, we have bodies in the afterlife. They are the bodies we had in our 20s or 30s, with no blemishes, with all the familiar features we had. Read our article at https://seekreality.com/do-people-have-bodies-in-the-afterlife/ or watch the YouTube at https://youtu.be/V4ETgVNKW0I
Q &A
So do we have more than one personality part of our larger self?
The roles of different aspects of our Universal Intelligence are difficult for people to understand. We are all one Universal Intelligence in different roles. We have our Earth minds as one role. Our Souls knew all about our lives and work with us during our lives as a different role. Our Higher Selves are collections of individuals in their unique roles. But all are simply different activities in our one Universal Intelligence. It is like our lives as infants, then children, then adolescents, then adults. And our lives as a father or mother, a physician, a member of a bowling league, and all the other roles we play. In all of these, we are one person with different roles. We might say we are many individuals in one person. The same is true of all the roles we know about in our Universal Intelligence. None is separate. But each appears as distinct because of its role.
Q &A
Do we reincarnate or we don't and it is another soul from our soul group that incarnates?
This is an area where the messages from people living in the afterlife give us statements that could have more than one interpretation. Here’s what we know. Most now say we remain the individuals we are through eternity. Other people in our Higher Self incarnate. Their lives may be based on our lives, so we are intertwined with them. That is where past-life regressions come from. The person having a past-life regression is linked to a person who lived before, giving them insights and experiences from that other person’s life. Some people refer to having experienced many lives. We can’t tell whether they are referring to themselves as part of the Higher Self, but that appears likely, since we know we stay individuals. We have never had someone try to connect with a loved one and learn they’ve left because they’re reincarnated. And we have many, many reports of people from previous ages still living in Summerland. So the evidence seems to be we stay individuals and may be intertwined with someone on whose life our life is based so we can have past-life regression memories from them.
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People who have abused them and caused so much trauma on them, keep resenting their abusers and causing themselves distress and disease. How would it be possible to hep them out of the dilemma?
Each person must decide on what their goals in life are and how to best achieve them. In general, people become stuck in their systems. The systems are made up of interactions, activities, sentiments, and norms. And so an abusive person is in a system with a person being abused. It’s dysfunctional, but both are playing their roles to keep the system functioning. It will remain that way until one person “foils” the system. That means one stops playing the role that has become the norm. The result can be a dramatic overreaction by the others involved in the system.
What all that means is that when people realize they are masters of their own fate and no dysfunctional system traps them–they trap themselves–then they can decide to foil the system and act out of their expected role and even leave the system altogether. Victims are perpetuating the system. To change things, they must foil it by acting outside of the roles they have been playing or withdraw from the system. We all are able to change our behavior within the lives we are living or move into more satisfying relationships. Every person must take responsibility for their role in the system that keeps the system going. Both the abuser and abused perpetuate the system. Each person must decide what they want for their lives and step out of the system or change it to match their goals.
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Eckhart Tolle states in his book "The Power of Now " that we are not our minds. Is that true?
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It sounds like the next life, fundamentally, is very similar to the Earth plane. Right?
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Do we have our Earth spouses in the next life?
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Where can I learn more about the afterlife?
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In your video with the woman meeting her miscarried child in the afterlife, I wonder why the miscarriage. Did the soul decide not to incarnate?
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How do we know that we have learnt the lessons when we are alive? We die and come back with our memories wiped clean and can’t remember the lessons we had learnt in our previous incarnation. It’s a continuous loop we are all trapped in..
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I don’t have loved ones so my afterlife will be awkward n lonely .
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So I’m spiritual, was a born-again Christian, but there's too much falsehood and contradictions with the bible, the Koran, and other books. Is our Creator a person or just light. I believe the latter.
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In this post, are these the real voices of the dead or are they re-enacted? https://youtu.be/hgEWddljnMU
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Aren't we told told by God not to engage with spirits?
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1. I wanted to know will my son get food to eat. 2. Will he have a house to live in.
3. Is there technology up there since he was very much into computers.
4. Are there cars he can drive . I had a dream that i was with him and he was driving a car. And it was realy him because i could confirm from his body odour.
5. Can he have relationships. I dreamt that he has found a girl who tried to get intimate with him and he told me that he felt a gush of warmth inside him.
1. I wanted to know will my son get food to eat.
The food your son wants will be in the place where he lives. He doesn’t have to ask for it. It will simply be there. However, he doesn’t have to eat. He will seen realize he doesn’t need to nourish the body. Until then, he will have the foods he most desires.
2. Will he have a house to live in.
Yes. It is a pleasant house with a yard, flowers, trees, and all the things he would want in a house.
3. Is there technology up there since he was very much into computers.
All the things technology can do on Earth he can do through the effort of his will. And there are many capabilities much greater than technology, such as being able to enter a period in Earth’s history and witness events. There are new technologies there that he likely is involved in. Some of these are technologies they are using to communicate with the Earth. Others are advanced technologies just being discovered. When he learns them, he will inspire technologists on this side of life to help them develop the technologies.
4. Are there cars he can drive . I had a dream that i was with him and he was driving a car. And it was realy him because i could confirm from his body odour.
Yes, there are cars. They don’t run on gasoline. They move from the intention of the driver to move the car forward.
5. Can he have relationships. I dreamt that he has found a girl who tried to get intimate with him and he told me that he felt a gush of warmth inside him.
Yes, he will have relationships with wonderful girls he meets there.
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I am curious about this but how tall will we be in the afterlife?
We have the same body type we have on Earth. You will be as tall as you were or would be when you were in your 20s or 30s. Having said that, we know that what we want to have available is presented to us without our asking. For example, people don’t need to eat or drink, but if they want to eat or drink, the food and drink will just be available. I have not heard of this, but I could imagine if we wanted to be a few inches taller, we would have that body without asking for it. But I have not read or heard of communication saying we can change our height, so that’s just speculation.
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Many people remember their past lives... there is so much research. So, yes, it is the same essence that reincarnates, how can it be otherwise?
There is great disagreement over the issue of the mechanism of reincarnation. There are clear statements that people do not come back to Earth as new people. They say other personalities in the Higher Self come into Earth School as new people and their lives are based on a framework of another life already lived. That framework results in an intertwining of the lives. That is where past-life regressions come from. But, they say, it isn’t a “past” life. The term “past-life” suggests the same person had a previous life, so it already prejudices the conclusion. We don’t have that conclusion. Instead, we just know someone recalls memories from some other life. That’s all. What the status is of the two lives is not made clear. Having said that, there are many descriptions of people in the afterlife saying “I lived many other lives.” So there is no clear answer to how this mechanism of past-life regressions and body marks from other lives happens. It’s just one of the areas that we don’t have a clear answer for yet.
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A third area of recordings of people living in the afterlife is through instrumental transcommunication. Researchers are able to record the voices using standard audio recorders or a laptop. When the voices are played back, the people who knew the person in spirit confirm that the voices and messages are characteristic of their loved one in spirit.
The foremost researcher doing this work today is Sonia Rinaldi in Brazil. Sheri Perl in New York learned Sonia’s procedure and is recording voices in the U.S.
Here are some examples of the recordings.
The fourth area of recordings of people now living in the afterlife comes from direct-voice mediums and physical mediums. These mediums have the ability to have people whose bodies have been dead for years speak aloud to people who knew them sitting in the room. The voices are as clear as though they were in a body standing before a microphone. We now have thousands of these recordings.
In this example, a famous Shakespearean actress who passed away in 1928 speaks in a Leslie Flint session in 1965.
The voices that ITC researchers are recording demonstrate that the people communicating are alive and articulate, although their bodies and brains have died. The people in spirit have all the qualities they had when living on earth: fluent voice, characteristic personality, memories of past events, and acknowledgement of current events. The people to whom the statements are addressed accept these conversations as valid because they recognize the person in spirit’s voice quality, personality, references to current events, and reminiscences of past events in the people’s lives.
These individuals who speak in the recordings did not die when their bodies died. The evidence from these communications proves you will never die and you will have a full life after you stop using your body.
You say there is no hell, so Hitler is not in hell?
No. There is no hell. Hitler is on a stage of spiritual development. It’s a pretty low stage, but he’s growing and developing in his understanding of what he did during his lifetime. In his life review, he actually enters the minds of the people he hurt and feels their emotions from their point of view. It will be a terrible time for him, but it isn’t a punishment. It’s meant to help him grow. He lives in a lower region of the afterlife, where people like him are living together. They are there because their state of mind puts them into the same environment as others with the same state of mind. It is dark and dank, with shrieks and loud shouting because of the state of mind of the inhabitants. He will eventually grow out of that into the upper regions after he has learned to be loving and compassionate.
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Do we develop our spirit at birth or has our spirit always existed.
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How and from does the etheric body leave the physical body and what is it made of?
Some aspects of existence are called “fundamental.” They can’t be broken down into parts. Electromagnetism is fundamental. Gravity is fundamental. You can just describe their effects, not what they are made of. The same is true of the etheric body.
A person doesn’t “leave the physical body.” We have a body experience. When we stop using the body experience on Earth, we begin having body experiences in the next realm or while moving unseen on Earth but not in a body. We never enter and leave a physical body. We just have body experiences.
There have been accounts of vapor or other substances leaving the body when the body dies. And there are descriptions of the silver cord and other attachments snapping when the body dies as the individual stops using the body. The etheric body is one with the physical body when the person is alive. When the physical body dies, the etheric body continues to live. It isn’t that there are two bodies, the etheric and the physical. Just as there are “ghosts” that are the etheric body with no physical body involved, so the etheric body can be seen as continuing when the physical body expires.
The etheric has always been one with the physical. The etheric isn’t “in” the physical. They are one. When the physical body stops functioning, the etheric body is all that is left and can go on to other spaces in the physical Earth realm or can go on to the afterlife. The action of the etheric body assuming its role and leaving the physical behind is what is seen as the vapor or other substance, and is heard as snapping of the silver cord. I know that’s difficult to wrap your head around. There is no distinction or separation between the etheric body and physical body. They are one body. When the physical body expires, the etheric continues.
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What is the difference between Induced After-Death Communication and Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy in helping someone have afterlife communications.
EMDR is called a “breakthrough therapy” because it resolves trauma such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with remarkable effectiveness. Psychotherapists learned that when using EMDR with clients in grief therapy after the death of a loved one, many people were having afterlife communications with the person for whom they were grieving. The result was a remarkable reduction in grief, sometimes to very low levels. There are certain protocols the therapist must use in EMDR.
The Induced After-Death Communication (IADC) method uses EMDR as it is traditionally used. The focus is on reducing the disturbance or trauma of specific memories connected to a loved one’s death, going from one memory to another to reduce the emotions involved in all the memories the client brings up.
Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy (R&RGT) uses EMDR, but changes the protocol so the people in spirit guide the progress of the session. The therapy session may begin with one disturbing memory and never go on to the others. The session allows the person in spirit to take the client from the disturbing memory into an uplifting communication that goes in other directions.
As a result, R&RGT is more successful and the communications are longer, sometimes several hours long. R&RGT has a 98% success rate. IADC has a 70% success rate, and some of the successes are only a minute or two long. I recommend R&RGT. A distinct advantage of either method is that the EMDR protocol helps with grief by itself. So either procedure will have benefits.
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Do animal abusers go to the lower levels like criminals, since there's no punishment. Innocent pure animal souls being tortured by horrible humans is something I will never understand to go just like that without any punishment, not to mention not making any sense for those pure animal souls to come to horrible earth.
Where people go in the life after this life depends on their state of mind, not their actions on Earth. Our societies generally have the belief that people are rewarded or punished for deeds committed on Earth when they reach the afterlife. We have an inherent need to feel people are held accountable for actions on Earth.
But as far as I know, Adolph Hitler killed no one. But he precipitated the killing of millions. He did it in large part because he really believed Germany was the pinnacle of human development as the Aryan race and it should dominate the world. Of course, we know that was errant thinking, but he believed it and acted on it. Others such as Heinrich Himmler were the actual architects of the holocaust. Now, on the other hand, I know a devout Catholic man who said if he could he would line up all the abortion doctors and shoot them. He just couldn’t act on it. What is the state of mind of these people? We cannot judge. If Hitler realized the error of his thinking, would he become more compassionate in the life after this life? We don’t know.
Killing animals for sport is still very much a part of today’s cultures. Trapping is still permitted. Animals are slaughtered to be eaten. Cruelty to animals is an accepted part of our culture. What is important is the state of mind of the person doing the killing. Are they killing to be cruel or are they killing because they believe animals are not sentient beings and can be used by humans as we will?
So each person will be in circumstances that fit their mind in the next life. If they would do harm to others, are full of malice and anger, and have no regard for other people, that person will be with others of like mind in areas that are darker and less pleasant. It isn’t a punishment. Their state of mind creates the environment, and they are with people who have the same state of mind. But we don’t know which people, regardless of their actions on Earth, have a state of mind that will situate them in a lower realm. Their actions will not do so. Only their state of mind will put them there.
Read these descriptions of animals in the afterlife by people now living in the afterlife: https://adcguides.com/afterlife2.htm
Q &A
While I am very pleased and thankful our pets will be with us in the afterlife, I am curious about wild animals.
The speculation about whether wild animals have souls and come into the life after this life isn’t settled. What we know is there are vast areas of wildlife in the next life. We don’t know for sure where they come from. Some say they are the souls of animals from Earth. What we do know is that any animal we love will be with us in the next life. Our pets are there because we love them.
Q &A
So if there's no night and instead we have occasional twilight, will there be nightlife activities, such as partying, in this twilight?
Yes, we can party hearty in the life after this life. All the things we enjoy on Earth will be available to us. There is no night as we have on Earth. Instead, there is a period of twilight. As far as needing night to party, when we party on Earth, we create artificial daylight with electricity. No one parties in the dark. Even venues with dimmed lighting still have lighting strong enough that people recognize each other. Yes, you’ll be able to party as much as you want. Since you won’t need sleep, you’ll be able to party all day if others are willing to join in it with you. You may go into a state of rest when it is twilight, but whether you cease your activities is up to you.
Q &A
As my life has gone on since my husband passed, I don't feel much of a connection with him anymore.
When someone you know moves to another state or country, eventually they’re not in your thoughts as much. If you continue a dialogue on the phone or through email, you keep the relationship fresh. That’s what’s happening with your husband. It isn’t that he’s any less receptive. It’s just that you’re not keeping up your conversations. Go through the training at afterlifeinstitute.org/self-guided/. You will reinvigorate your contacts. You can then have them every day if you want them. You just have to learn how to receive the messages.
Q &A
In my latest journey in the Self-Guided Afterlife Communication training, I'm pretty sure that I failed miserably as I could not envision my wife appearing to me in anything other than me just having memories of various times with her.
You’re doing fine. You are allowing free unfoldment. When a memory or song or something else “pops” into your head, it’s unfoldment. The fact that it’s something in your memory doesn’t take away from it’s being free unfoldment. Those memories are being brought to you. Allow them to come to you. Your mind and your wife’s mind are one. When she brings something to memory, it pops into your mind. She’s communicating with you. When you get frustrated something else isn’t come to you, you shut down the communication. Stay with what unfolds to you. Allow it to expand and change. Start talking with her about what’s coming to you. Have a dialogue. “I remember that wonderful feeling we had.” “Do you remember what happened after the ceremony?” “Did you really think out little boy would grow so fast?” Have a dialogue. The first notion of what comes to mind as you speak is her response. If you have to wait for something, you’ve missed it.
Q &A
I would love to grow spiritually by helping and loving others. But I have such a strong ego that it's making it hard for me to grow spiritually.
You will grow from where you are, as quickly or slowly as you are able. You needn’t think you must become all loving and compassionate in a single bound. Be content with small experiences of growth. Look for opportunities to love others and show your love. Do it in small steps. Find one person a day to show love to. Take time to experience it, as it’s happening and afterward. Keep doing that until you can come to show love for two people a day, then three. Go slowly. Think of growth in years, not days or months. Eventually, fill your day with opportunities to love others and show your love. After years of doing this, you might go into circumstances in which you seek opportunities to love the unlovable. You will grow to be more loving and compassionate at your own pace.
Grow in your ability to forgive others and ask others for forgiveness. When you are angry with or hurt by someone, go to them. Let them know about your admiration for them and compassion. In some small way at the limit of your ability to do so, let them know you love them. Don’t expect any other person to change or to do something you wish they would do. Don’t expect their love, forgiveness, or compassion toward you. It is all about what you do in your compassion and your actions.
Q &A
I rescued an injured hawk and have been caring for him for five month as he is unable to fly anymore. Will he suffer while transitioning and will he be able to soar again in the afterlife?
Your hawk will be in the next life with you because you love him. All our pets and other animals we have come to love live on because we love them. He will be able to soar in the afterlife and will communicate with you.
Q &A
My son took his life because he couldn't live with the voices in his his head from schizophrenia. Was that his exit point? Did he possibly come here to experience a mental illness? Did his passing send me on this spiritual journey? Was this a soul contract we agreed upon before coming to earth?
I’m so sorry your son has gone on to our next life early. First, let me say that your son was met with great compassion and understanding. There is no judgment or condemnation in the next life. He is fine. Since the voices ended with his physical body, he immediately felt relief and is feeling healthy and joyous.
As to whether that exit was one of his pre-planned exit points, no, it was not. Taking one’s life is not in the pre-birth planning. Having schizophrenia was in his plan. His soul and the others planning his life decided that to learn some important life lessons, he would have the condition of schizophrenia. From it, he would learn lessons set out for him, or as you say, his soul might have intended for him to experience schizophrenia. Yes, his condition was part of your life lessons and his, but you were not responsible for it. He didn’t have to have it for your benefit.
He’s fine now. He is with you when you grieve. You can talk to him.
Q &A
Does spiritual growth bring lasting satisfaction, even while on Earth?
Yes, spiritual growth brings lasting satisfaction while on Earth. Humankind is now so dominated by ignorance and superstition that people are destroying each other and the Earth without regard for the consequences. The primitive belief that all there is to life is what we experience from birth to death and the only thing of importance is gaining pleasures for oneself regardless of the effects on others is resulting in interpersonal strife and war. When people learn we are eternal beings having a physical experience, they will live together in peace, love, and harmony with all others. The ignorance and superstition must die for that to come to pass.
Our nature is to love and be loved. That fundamental truth is obscured by people’s feelings we are separate from one another, we must mistrust others, and we must take and protect what we desire for ourselves over others. Every person wants to be loved. Every person would like to have someone they can love. That is our basic nature. It is the one thing all human beings have in common. When the obstacles to feeling and demonstrating our love are removed, all of humankind will live in love, peace, and joy. It is as natural a progression as water’s flowing downhill.
And so our mission is to teach people we are eternal beings, sojourners on this adventure of life, who can love others without reservation and receive love in return. We just have to learn the truth about who we are in eternity and reject the primitive self-centered falsehoods we absorbed from society in our childhoods. The truth will set us free.
Q &A
In my Stage 4 sef-guided afterlife connection at afterlifeinstitute.org/self-guided/, I did not see any images. I told myself over and over that my daddy is here with me. I told him he knows how much I love him and miss him. At the end, I could visualize him saying he knows and I can see him again.
You now must shift your focus. When you go into the place of great beauty, you seem to be waiting for a contact or sign. In your case, you worked hard at asking for a sign. Both interfere with the free unfoldment. Don’t work hard at anything. Instead, be hyper-sensitive to what is there, without thinking anything. You have a desire to communicate. That’s all you need. Then, when you go into the place of great beauty, notice the subtle things that are there. They are coming to you. You just have to notice them. Look into the place of great beauty. Notice everything about it. Keep hyper-vigilant. You’ll see things passing into your awareness and leaving. If you see nothing, you’re missing what’s there. Also notice feelings you have, sounds in your mind, senses about the content. All these things will bubble up into your awareness if you free your mind. Don’t do anything that requires your effort, such as telling yourself your daddy is there. That fills your mind so what is there can’t come through. Get used to seeing what comes to you.
If you would like to practice, close your eyes and relax. Don’t try to make a connection in this exercise. Just notice things flowing into and out of your mind. They may be crazy images, thoughts, or sensations. Just allow them to come and go. Then when you go back to the Stage 4 experience, do the same thing, but with your intention to connect with your dad. Don’t keep thinking or saying “I want to connect with my dad.” Just have the intention. Then start a dialogue with whatever comes to you. “I see swirls of purple. Dad, are you in the swirls.” The first notion that come to you is the answer. It won’t be a voice. It will be a knowing.
Q &A
I read in one of your books that a grieving person can be doing just fine, and then something occurs regarding the deceased loved one that can trigger a sudden emotional ( crying) episode in the person on earth. What is that?
We all have a “sense of presence” that is akin to psychic knowledge. An example of psychic knowledge is that Rupert Sheldrake’s work shows we know when someone is about to call or someone is in trouble. Psychics are more able than most to have these subtle messages bubble up from their subconscious. We are linked to other people. When someone we love who is in spirit comes into our presence, we know it at a subliminal level. It affects our body, although our awareness may not register it. So a person may get tingles or other body sensations. Our bodies react to the subliminal messages such as the presence. You can get used to knowing when your loved one is near if you pay attention to the subliminal messages and bodily sensations. You may get a tingle on one side of your head or body, for instance. But don’t wait for a body response. You will sense when a loved one is present because a memory of them will suddenly pop into your mind. That is what brings on the grief. Stop and communicate, if only to say, “Hi. I know you’re here.”
Q &A
What do our spirit guides say is going to happen to Earth in the future? Is it really going to expire one day?
Earth is a state of mind, not a rock spinning through space. It only exists because we are having experiences that are earth-like. And its existence is entirely in our minds. We are all dreaming the same dream. When there are no more people to dream this dream, Earth will simply not be experienced. It will never be destroyed. It never has existed and never will exist without people having experiences of it.
I refer to Earth as our current dream, but of course, it’s more vivid than our nightly episodes containing realities our minds create. And it has continuity across our lifetimes. But as we are the actors in our dreams and we have experiences of sight, hearing, tasting, touching, smelling, and body experiences while asleep, with no reference to a world outside of us, we are similarly having experiences in what we refer to as the physical realm with nothing outside of our consciousness. Earth is entirely in our minds. When we go on to the life after this life, we will simply transition into another realm we’ll be experiencing together. It will also exist in our minds because we are having experiences there.
Earth will never go away because it doesn’t exist apart from our consciousness.
Q &A
Does the development of AI that performs complex tasks contradict the survival of consciousness. Can scientists somehow create conscious robots?
Artificial intelligence already performs better at recalling and explaining information than people do. Everything about the responses is what we would expect from a person and more. That part of consciousness is easy to duplicate, and because it’s primarily recall and synthesis, AI will be able to do that better than we can. We might call that the “easy problem” of mimicking consciousness, using David Chalmers’ “easy problem” and “hard problem” expressions, referring to attempts to explain how the brain could create consciousness. Chalmers refers to the neurological correlates of consciousness as the easy problem. We can tell, for instance, where in the brain vision and hearing are processed. We can tell where the command center and emotional center of the mind are. However, neurological correlates of consciousness have yet to explain how the three to five pounds of fat and protein in the skull can create consciousness. That is Chalmers’ hard problem of consciousness.
We already have solved the easy problem of creating AI that mimics consciousness. The “Turing test” of AI is whether someone can have a conversation with an AI device and not realize it’s not a human being communicating. That’s common now. Eventually, bodies will be built with all the dexterity of a human body. The bodies will interact as people interact. Then the Turing test will be whether someone can sit down and have a conversation with an AI humanoid and believe it’s a real person. That likely will happen in the next decades. The easy problem of mimicking consciousness is within our grasp.
Recalling information, speaking coherently, and moving as a person moves are small parts of what conscious beings can do. There is still the hard problem of mimicking consciousness: using AI for extraordinary mental actions. These are just a few of the things AI cannot do.
- People are able to remote view by getting sensory impressions of things thousands of miles away with no intervening energy or devices.
- People continue to live after their body dies and communicate with us to prove it.
- People are able to go out of body and describe activities in remote locations with no intervening energy or devices.
- People have intuitive feelings about things and events that were not in the data, but prove to be true.
- People in groups have their brain waves and heart rates synchronize when 200 miles apart when they intend to do so.
- People are able to send healing thoughts to living things and cause them to prosper and, at times, heal, whereas control groups without the benefit of healing thoughts during the same period of time deteriorate.
- People whose body responses are measured as they look at random pictures of calming or emotional scenes show an anticipation of the picture to be shown by as much as six or seven seconds before the computer even selects the random picture to be shown.
AI will never be able to duplicate these activities. They are the hard problem of creating consciousness with AI.
The conclusion is that AI will be far advanced in its abilities, but will never duplicate the human mind. AI can never be conscious. It can only mimic the activities in the easy problem of mimicking human activities that appear to emerge from consciousness.
Q &A
What Happens to people on earth that do horrendous acts of evil when they die?
Everything that happens to us in this life and the next is intended to help us grow in love, compassion, understanding, and wisdom. Each person is regarded rather like a child on some level of development. Some are infants. Some are adolescents. Some are mature adults. And some are spiritually and mentally wise above all others. Everyone is on some level of development. It would do no good to chastise and punish an infant because they were not behaving as an adolescent, or an adolescent because they were not behaving as an adult, or an adult because they do not display advanced wisdom and understanding.
There is no judgment or condemnation of someone for their intellectual, emotional, or physical stage of growth. In the same way, all people are at some stage in their development toward becoming loving and compassionate. Some are in their infancy, doing acts on Earth we regard as evil and contemptuous. Others are in conflict continually with the people around them. There can be no more judgment of a person for acts performed on Earth than there can be judgment of a person at some level of intellectual, emotional, and physical growth. We are all works in progress.
In the same way, there is no judgment or condemnation in the life after this life for any acts committed on Earth. Every person goes through a life review, in which they review what they did on Earth in detail. They review incidents in which they did things that harmed others. During the review, they become the person being harmed. They feel all the feelings and live through all the terror. That is not a punishment. It is a way to teach them what their actions did to people. They will grow from that to becoming more loving and compassionate.
All actions in the life after this life are to help people grow from where they are to being more loving, peaceful, and happy. Nothing that happens to them is judgment or punishment for sins on Earth.
Watch our video and read the article at https://seekreality.com/judgment-condemnation-and-punishment-in-the-next-life/
Q &A
Do you know many people that have actually talked to their Spirit Guide and how can we that haven’t?
Not very many people speak to their spirit guide, but it is a skill you can learn. The talented medium Susanne Wilson has created a CD in which she guides listeners into a state of mind in which you can meet your spirit guide. You can purchase a copy at https://www.amazon.com/Guidance-Quest-Connect-Spirit-Susanne/dp/B01K8N0XPA/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_1?sr=8-1-fkmr1
Q &A
As I am sure soul contracts exist, I just wonder how much of it is soul contract vs free will? Was it Hitler's soul contract to be a monster, or was it his free will to be a monster?
Being a murderer or instigator of murder is not in the person’s life plan, what you refer to as a soul contact. Sanaya, the collective of higher-level beings speaking through the medium Suzanne Giesemann calls murder “free will gone awry.” A person may choose to be in a life situation in which there are challenges that might lead to violence or instigating violence, but the violent acts are not planned.
The reason the person is taking on the potential to be violent is so the person will rise above the potential and become more loving and compassionate. That is the life lesson that person must learn. However, since each of us has free will, the person may take the route of becoming violent by murdering or instigating murder. The life plan or soul contract does not dictate what a person will do. It simply provides the context for a person’s life based on the life lessons the person’s soul and others involved in the planning have decided the person must learn. The context includes environment, family, upbringing, abilities, deficits, and the rest of what gives the person the life circumstances in which to learn lessons. It does not dictate actions and responses to these aspects of the context of the person’s life. The actions and responses are a result of free-will decisions the person makes when confronted with circumstances that should lead to spiritual, emotional, and mental growth.
Q &A
What questions would I ask a psychotherapist when trying to find one who is qualified to put in a trance for communicating with deceased?
To have a psychotherapist help you enter the state of mind in which you have an afterlife communication, you must meet with one who has been trained in one of the three techniques. To find a psychotherapist who can help you have afterlife communications, go to these three links:
Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy: https://newsite.repairandreattachment.com/
Induced After-Death Communication: https://inducedadc.com/
Loving Hearts Connections: https://clearingyoursoul.com/loving-heart-connections
Q &A
What happens when our loved one advances to a higher level and we have not yet experienced that same growth? Would we no longer be able to " live" together?
You are limited in your view of life to what you have been experiencing on Earth. One of the limitations is that you want life to always remain the same as it is now. But it never has. It never will. Your perspective on your life will be very different after time in the life after this life. What you want will change.
Having said that, you will always have free will. Advancing to a higher level doesn’t mean you go off to live somewhere else. It means you advance mentally and spiritually wherever you are. You might then go to live with others who are as advanced as you are, or you may stay with your loved ones who have not yet advanced, for as long as you want. But you ought to expect they’ll be advancing with you, however. So you will decide who to live with, how long to live with them, and when to all advance spiritually so you live with others of similar advancement.
One of the “laws” of the life after this life is that you may visit the areas where people have advanced spiritually and mentally that are below your advancement. You may not visit areas above you in advancement. It isn’t that there are walls or barriers. It is that a person can’t live in the same vibration as people above them. But people on higher levels can visit those below them at any time, for as long as they want. So they don’t need to be separated from someone they want to be with.
Q &A
Will my special needs son have a " normal" life in the afterlife?
Your son will be perfect in every way. He will have no special needs, mental or physical. Any issues with his body that resulted in the special needs will disappear. He will have a healthy, robust body and mental state.
Q &A
Can families live together in the houses we construct as families again?
Living arrangements in the afterlife are the same as on the Earth plane. You will live with whomever you want to live with. Any of the others you live with also have the same free will choice, so they may choose to live with you or not live with you. If you have a loving relationship, they likely will want to live with you. You will live in a home that meets your desires and expectations. It will be constructed for you by builders in the afterlife. If you have in mind you would like to live in a duplicate of your family home, that home will be constructed for you.
If at any time, you decide to change your arrangements, you may do so, just as you do on the Earth plane. You still have free will. No one is forced to do something against their will, including living with or even chancing upon another person.
Q &A
This power called the source is what people call God and it's capable of all miracles?
Yes, the Source is capable of all miracles, and we are one with the Source. In other words, WE are capable of all miracles. Instead of praying to something outside of yourself, look to your own power and ability. Have confidence you can do what you want to have done. All power we attribute to a god outside of us is in us. We are Our Universal Intelligence. Instead of praying for something to happen, have the confidence it will happen if it’s in your best interest and go about making it happen. YOU will make it happen.
Q &A
Dolores Canon talks about the source talking to her and answering questions and being huge big light and love force.
Perhaps. Who are we to judge a person’s personal relationship with Our Universal Intelligence. We tend to want to embody things as sources. We want to know what entity is communicating to us or guiding us. So we say it was our Higher Self or our guide or our guardian angel. At times, these members of our Universal Intelligence let us know the role they are taking. But all are Our Universal Intelligence taking on different roles. So the source of the knowledge or guidance isn’t important. It is all part of us communicating with ourselves.
Q &A
What about the law of attraction and what Dolores Canon says about how? You can visualize what you want and feel it as if it's already happened and just sit back and watch the miracle happen?
Studies of healers sending healing intentions to patients in intensive care, vials of blood cells, seeds, and all manner of other things that have the potential to be healed or change their properties have shown healing effects from the healers’ influence. The same is true of a person’s desire to be healed affecting their own healing. There are examples of people who have changed their outlook on life and have been healed of life-threatening physical ailments. Anita Moorjani, author of Dying to Be Me, is one. When she changed our perspective on life, she emerged from her deathbed from cancer to being completely healed. However, as far as visualizing what you want and having it manifest, there’s no evidence that happens. If it were a real phenomenon, we would have gathered data showing that it’s a law of nature. That makes the claim it happens suspect. However, it is true that when someone sets their sights on a goal and determine to achieve it, the strength of their will enables them to make their goal a reality. But that doesn’t involve a supernatural influence that brings what the person wants through positive affirmations or visualizations.
Q &A
How do we speak to the universal intellect to ask him for something and does he respond?
You speak of Our Universal Intelligence as being outside of us. We are Our Universal Intelligence. We are just taking on roles within that source of all reality. It is not a “him,” as in a male entity outside of you. Referring to God or Our Universal Intelligence as separate from us gives us a mistaken perspective. Within Our Universal Intelligence, there are different parts taking on different roles. There are guides, guardian angels, higher selves, and people who have been on Earth and are now in the next realm. All are individuated manifestations of Our Universal Intelligence taking on different roles. As an example from your own life, you may be a wife, a mother, a secretary, and a member of an organization. In each, you are taking on a different role, but they are all you. Referring to yourself as a mother using “she” isn’t appropriate. You are that mother.
You are continually in touch with the parts of Our Universal Intelligence taking on different roles in your life. You may communicate with them by just speaking to them aloud or in thought. Each will respond to you. You may ask for anything, but whether it manifests will depend on your path in Earth School. They will not generally override what will happen to you as part of your pre-birth planning, or that is happening to you as part of your life experiences. They may give you counsel about what you might do to achieve your goals. They will help and guide you if you ask for their help and are attentive to what they say. Expect that they will help you achieve your goals rather than making changes in your life. Don’t expect to ask for something and have it manifest without your effort.
Q &A
Is it possible to have superpowers in heaven? Such as those from tv shows and comic books?
There are laws of nature in the next life just as there are in this life. Some laws are different. You may communicate telepathically. You don’t need to eat or drink to sustain the body. You will use your intentions to help you perform tasks. Much of what you do will be from the force of thought. A bricklayer described loving to set bricks, so he didn’t use his intention to set them. He set bricks one at a time as he did on Earth. But he said others were using their intentions as aids. What part of laying the bricks relied on intention he didn’t say. But it isn’t that you look at a site and make bricks pile up using your mind. It still takes labor, but the labor is enhanced by intention.
However, there are some laws that will limit what you can do. You won’t be all knowing. You’ll be the same person. You can intend to be somewhere and you’ll be there instantly. You won’t go through space to get there.
So you will have abilities you don’t have on Earth, within the limitations of life in the next realm. But you won’t have unlimited, remarkable abilities, such as being able to make an object miraculously appear or making objects levitate. But you will grow into greater abilities as you mature in the next life. As to whether you can fly like superman, I’ve never heard reports from the residents of the next life of people being able to do that. I think it’s too extraordinary to fit into our understanding of the nature of reality, here and there. We create our reality based on what we regard as “real” or “expected.” But I may just not have heard of someone doing it. We are always learning new things about the life after this life.
Q &A
You describe "transmission stations" the entities in the life after this life use to transmit messages. Why would they need a transmission station when communicating telepathically?
Stations such as the Brazilian Station, North American Station, and Rio de Tempo (Timestream) station in Europe have electronic devices the scientists and technicians there have built. They have told us the laboratories have rows of tables with devices on them. The devices make it possible for speakers to impress their thoughts on the devices so electromagnetic tracks are laid on the physical system on our side. The electromagnetic tracks play back as the voice of the person.
It is the real person communicating, but instead of using vibrations on air as we do to speak, they use the electronic tracks laid on recording equipment. It requires the technology they have created through their research. The resulting voices are a blend of their spiritual energy with physical devices.
As with all the technological and scientific advancements we and they make, they learn to create and use the technology, then inspire the scientists and technicians on our side of life to create and use them. In other words, we are just behind their advancements. The stations that have existed since the last part of the 20th century are the result of these developments by technicians on the other side.
Q &A
I read in one of your books that people lose their resentment and negative feelings towards others when they enter the afterlife. Is this true, and is it immediate?
Yes, people lose their resentment or negative feelings towards others as they live in the life after this life. It is not instantaneous. As with life on the Earth plane, we grow gradually. Our self is intact, without suddenly changing. When someone enters the life after this life, the dynamics involved in Earth life go away immediately. In this new setting, with the perspective that we are eternal beings, one with each other, the person grows to realize there is much more to life and our relationships than the narrow interests they had on Earth. As a result, over time the person has a change of perspective. They grow into having a more mature understanding of life and relationships. For some people that may happen in a short time. Others may need more time to understand the new realities. In either case, it will take time. When we enter the life after this life, we are the same person mentally as we were before the transition.
Q &A
Can I experience the effects of spiritual growth right away instead of just working at it and then wait until some future moment before being completely transformed into a person of love and forgiveness?
Yes, you are living on a spiritual plane now. When you transition to the next life, you will just be living on another spiritual plane where you will continue to grow spiritually. You can experience spiritual growth now that will give you more of the Heaven on Earth all people want. We create our reality here. If you want to live a life filled with love, peace, and joy, increase your experiences with showing love and compassion for others. That will increase your spiritual stature. You learn to love by loving.
Q &A
Will AI specialists be able to transfer human consciousness to a computer in a perfect android body so they create what amounts to a functioning person?
No. Laplace stated that if we could know all the forces that preceded a person’s actions, we could predict everything a person is thinking or doing. There is no free will, he suggested. So if we could put all the forces into an AI computer–memories, inclinations, genetic predispositions, skills, and so on–the computer would act like the human these things came from. Put that into a body facsimile and it would seem you might have a functioning android indistinguishable from the person.
But it would fail in all the activities we know are outside of the mundane control of physical activities, such as remote viewing, psychic abilities, intuition, precognition, and so on. And it would not respond to input from unseen influences, such as guides, loved ones now in the afterlife, and Our Universal Intelligence. And finally, when the android’s system failed, everything about the apparent consciousness would cease to exist. That doesn’t happen when a person stops using a body; they go on blissfully with no change in all the characteristics of the person. We have the proof these other influences contribute to a larger scope for what makes us human. They are the reason AI will never create a real person.
Q &A
As I was saying goodbye in my self-guided afterlife communication, I asked for a hug and felt an energetic force that straightened my posture from head to toe. It happens relatively slowly, but it feels autonomic, like something is moving me. Have you heard this happening to others?
Yes, the feelings you’re describing are common. People feel the energy of hugs and kisses. They are not tactile, but clearly are what a person feels after the tactile sensations. In other words, when we are using a body, we have the experience of touch. After the sensation of touch, we have mind experiences such as happiness, feeling of energy, tingles, and other effects. When we’re receiving them from our loved ones in spirit, we may have a physical experience such as a cold or warm or tingles. They are the counterpart of the touch. Then we may have feelings of happiness and knowledge we’re being hugged or kissed. The after effects are the same. We don’t notice the after effects so much when we’re hugging or kissing someone who is using a body on Earth. We get the sense of touch strongly, so the subtle feelings after the touch are less apparent. When we are having the experience with someone not using a body now, we register the experience in the mind that would happen after the physical experience of being touched.
It’s important to realize that all senses are experiences in the mind. The body feels nothing. It is insensate. Experiences happen only in the mind. So we feel a touch, but it is only the experience of a touch in the mind. We see an object, but we are only seeing the object in the mind. As a result, when we are communicating with a loved one nearby who is not using a body, we get the mind sensations of seeing, hearing, touching, and so on. They are real experiences that are the same as the experiences we have after a physical sensation when using a body. We just skip the body part.
There are many examples in afterlife communication accounts. In an induced after-death communication experience, the client, sitting with his eyes closed, was having a conversation with his brother in spirit. Suddenly he opened his eyes and told the psychotherapist he had a startling sense of having a claw around him. The psychotherapist had him go back into the scene and ask his brother what that was. His brother responded that he was giving him a hug.
Q &A
In a self-guided communication, I asked a deceased neighbor why she passed. She said throat cancer (I'd seen her smoke several packs a day for years). When I asked my parents, they said the official cause was a heart attack. Did my imagination answer for her, so it was wrong?
You asked “Did my imagination answer for her, so it was wrong?” It isn’t imagination if it unfolded to you naturally. However, you can have your assumptions override the unfoldment. If, when you asked how she died, the cue of her smoking popped into your mind, the assumption it was throat cancer could have followed by the cue “smoking” even though you weren’t consciously thinking “smoking.” All of our memories or thoughts come to mind from cues. The cues then cue other memories or thoughts. Our days are filled with strings of these cues interrupted by cues from things in our environment. Since you had shut down the environment to have the Stage 4 experience, the communication came from either afterlife sources or from cues that leak into your mind. The more you’re able to relax into allowing the communication from someone in the afterlife fill your awareness, the more you won’t get the other cues. As you practice, you’ll learn to sense the difference. In any event, if you’re relaxed and open to the communication, even if a cue interrupts it, you’ll get right back on track after whatever is cued up goes through your awareness.
So the short answer is, you don’t know what she actually passed from. It could have been a heart attack induced by the lung cancer in her chest. Or it could have been the brief laps in a cue that leaked into your mind about her smoking. Don’t worry about which it was. Just continue to be open and allow the communication to come through free unfoldment.
Q &A
Did God created the Universe? If not, who did?
We are creating the universe. We are one with Our Universal Intelligence, the source of everything that is. We are given experiences in Earth School so we can learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and enjoy this life. The experiences we have are with a life environment that was established by others before us that we now have internalized from Our Universal Intelligence. This life is as it is because we expect it based on what has been established in the minds of all the others who preceded us. We are, in effect, having the same dream. Our expectations create this reality. We are creating the universe.
Everything is the mind of God. As Amit Goswami, the nuclear physicist, concluded, “There is nothing but God.” We are facets of that mind. God is not a separate entity. Where is nothing but God. We are God having experiences from the mind of God, and we then create experiences from our minds.
Q &A
Will I be able to listen to my favorite songs? For instance, I love listening to rock and techno/electronic music.
You will be able to listen to any music you want to listen to. And the artists you love who have transitioned to the next life will still be giving concerts you can attend. You can meet them and spend time with them if they agree to spend time with you. You will choose to be among people who share your interests, so you’ll have groups who are listening to the music you want to listen to. Or you may listen to any music ever created on your own. You might even join a band if you want to. Everything you desire will be open to you.
That isn’t as unusual as you might think it is. We have much the same abilities in this lifetime, but we don’t take advantage of them. We feel constrained by life circumstances or our feeling we don’t have the ability or opportunity. However, we can be whatever we want to be, within the limitations of Earth School. In the next life, even the limitations are removed.
Q &A
Do we always maintain our independence and personality, no matter what dimension we reach OR how much we spiritually grow?
Yes, we maintain our independence and personality forever. We do have different mentalities because of our ascension in spirituality and wisdom. We can’t imagine those. We grow as we want to. And the levels explained in the literature from the communication we’ve received from people living in the life after this life are just at the horizon of our sight. We can’t understand the levels beyond our sight. There are vast vistas we will evolve into beyond those horizons. You will fit into the life after this life as you want to. Whatever you are comfortable with will be your situation. You needn’t worry about having expectations for your life or having to be something that isn’t borne out of your personal identity.
Q &A
When we grow into higher levels, can we still descend to the Summerlands once in a while and enjoy those things when we want to have some fun?
Yes, we are able to have the sensual experiences of Earth at any level of our growth. We just intend to have the experiences and what we need to have them is available to us. We have the mentality in Earth School that we can have or can’t have things based on physical laws, availability, rules and laws, and other constraints. Those constraints no longer affect people in the life after this life. There, we are able to have experiences we want to have with few constraints. There are laws of the realm against violence, harming ourselves, others, and animals, and other such activities. Other than these, people in the life after this life have great freedom to have desired experiences.
Q &A
I absolutely want to experience eating, drinking, and sex in Heaven. So what replaces those pleasures?
You’re stuck in the Earth environment’s desires, rather analogous to being stuck in infancy or adolescence in this life. Your life will go on, and your desires will change. With your Earth-School perspective, the things that give you pleasure seem like all you want to experience forever. But just as an infant can’t imagine the pleasures of being a child or an adolescent or an adult and wants to keep a favorite rattle and the oral satisfaction of a baby bottle, you can’t imagine or understand the pleasures you’ll have as you leave the Earth Plane’s limited pleasures behind.
When you first transition, you can have all the sensual experiences of Earth except those that harm yourself or others, such as hunting, drug addiction, violent actions toward others, and so on. If you want to eat, drink alcohol, smoke, or have other sensual activities, those will be available to you, for as long in the future as you want them. Your state of desire will make them available to you. You want them, so they’ll be there. Eventually, you’ll find you derive greater pleasure out of other activities you can’t envision now. Then those will be available to you.
You’re stuck with your Earth School mind now, with its desires and expectations. That will change over time. But don’t worry about it. You’ll be satisfied beyond measure by the wonderful new sensual experiences you enjoy. You just can’t imagine them now.
Q &A
If we can’t imagine colors we haven’t seen before, does this prove that the afterlife experiences are real if people are experiencing different colors as their brains can’t make them up?
It’s easy to think of our minds as being what we experience on Earth and what we experience in other realms such as the afterlife as different existences altogether. Instead, our mind is entirely the same mind experiencing this realm and the next. There is one Universal Intelligence we are members of. We have different focuses depending on the realm we’re attending to, but everything is available to us if we can cue it up.
In other words, we have great limitations on our minds on Earth as we learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and enjoy life’s experiences. One limitation is that we experience a narrow set of colors. However, our eternal selves have the potential to experience the vast spectrum of colors. So when we enter the next stage in our eternal lives, many of the limitations will be lifted. We will see many more colors, communicate telepathically, travel by intending to be somewhere, and have other such abilities and experiences. We have all these abilities now, but we’re playing our roles in Earth School so we don’t experience them. Some people in near-death experiences have the focus on the Earth plane disrupted briefly so they do experience more colors and greater love. But for normal people in our normal lives, our minds are narrowed into the focus on Earth with limited experiences.
Q &A
Many of the spiritual texts I read state God/Source/the Universe resides within us. However many of those who have experienced NDEs experience a light/source/God that is outside of them, distinguishable from them, not part of them. Why is that?
There is nothing but God. There is only Our Universal Intelligence. We are manifestations of that Source of all being. We’re just taking on different roles to have our Earth School experiences. We are still wholly the Mind of God. So God is more than within us. All we are is God.
Having said that, we have individual experiences in the roles we play in Earth School so we can learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and enjoy life. We experience ourselves as separate from others, even though we are all one. The roles we learned from childhood in our self-absorbed society keep us from feeling the depths of love we could feel for one another.
As a result, when in an NDE, we experience God’s love without the limiting filter of our Earth-School personalities, it is overwhelming; we are experiencing the pure love we don’t feel from others in our limited Earth-School roles. People in NDEs who experience the love of God have the shroud of their Earth-School role removed so they can experience the depths of the unconditional love that is at the core of our being as individuated members of the Mind of God.
That also shows us the magnitude of love we all could have for one another if humankind learned to relax the part of our roles that tells us we’re separate from one another. We would then feel the genuine Divine love for others and from others that would naturally envelop us. Our nature is to love. Only the mindset we learned as children that we are separate from one another keeps us from feeling that love from others and expressing the love to others all the time. In an NDE, that mindset is temporarily removed so we feel the unconditional love of God we all could feel for one another if we lived knowing we are all one in the mind of God.
Q &A
You have said this life is like a dream we are all dreaming together. Does that mean the next life is a dream also?
The metaphor “life is like a dream” is just a metaphor. It means there is no objective world outside of us that we are all experiencing. Our lives are real experiences in an apparently solid universe. The same is true of the life after this life. But they are not “dreams” in the sense of being ethereal, unreal, transitory states. That part of the metaphor doesn’t work for our lives in this life and the next. In the life after this life, we will have real, solid, fleshy bodies as we have on the Earth plane. We will walk on streets, live in houses, listen to music, engage in pastimes like driving or boating, and all the things we do on the Earth plane. The Earth plane is just another spiritual realm. We go on to a similar spiritual realm when we change our focus to the life after this life. And both realms are real and solid in our experiences of them.
Q &A
How do you know that you aren't communicating with Satan? Satan will mimic our loved ones and make us believe we are talking with them, but really, we are talking to him.
There is no such being as “Satan” in the sense of a totally evil being that oppresses humans. The Jewish Bible does not portray Satan as such a creature. Instead, Satan is the opposer or adversary of God. The evil fallen angel created by Christianity was developed from Zoroastrianism, a Persian religion.
There’s nothing in the Torah or Christian Bible indicating that “Satan will mimic our loved ones.” That’s a superstition. Besides, as Jesus said when the Pharisees accused Jesus of casting out demons appealing to Beelzebub, the ruler of demons, Jesus said, “If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself.” Receiving love and support from loved ones living in the next life would defeat a being like Satan. And the communication from people living in the life after this life all show great reverence for Jesus. That would certainly be a house divided against itself.
The idea that a demon follows each person around and communicates to mediums is a curious superstition I’ve heard before that is simply not Bible-based. When the Jewish Torah mentions not talking to mediums, it is because people were going to mediums for guidance, not God. That made God angry. But even then, there is no mention of the idea that mediums were speaking to demons.
Q &A
You stated earlier that "some people refer to "vibration" in connection to consciousness. But that's not accurate. Nothing vibrates when a person goes into a more lucid state of higher levels of consciousness." Does consciousness relate with itself, or does it just exist to be all that it can be?
Yes. Consciousness is irreducible. It is the foundation of existence. A physical world with “vibrations” is a manifestation of consciousness. People refer to a “higher vibration” when referring to a level on which people in the unseen dimensions and afterlife exist. They refer to “raising their vibration” to be able to communicate with people living in the afterlife. These are just metaphors. We “raise our vibration” in physical mediumship circles to increase the energy from our side that those who materialize use to have the ectoplasm form around their etheric bodies so we can see, hear, and touch them. The energy makes it possible for them to create manifestations such as lights, movement of objects, and sounds. We are really only increasing our spirit energy. Nothing “vibrates” in the sense that air vibrates to give us a sense of sound.
Q &A
If the afterlife is so proven then why do so many scientists still say that it is not real? Also why is there no real hard core scientific evidence that we go on only personal accounts .
It isn’t true that scientists say there is no afterlife. Materialists say there is no afterlife. Some of them are scientists. But many scientists have read and agree with the data that the afterlife is a reality. The fact that some scientists who are materialists haven’t yet learned the afterlife is a reality is similar to the slow realization of the truth scientists have experienced in the past. Copernicus stated the Earth is not the center of the universe in the 16th century. Scientists didn’t believe it. Galileo proved it in the 17th century by showing the scientists and clergy of his day that Jupiter has moons and Venus goes through phases, and he showed that Tycho Brahe’s structure was true. But it wasn’t until the 19th century that Friedrich Bessel proved the Earth had an annual rotation around the Sun.
The same can be said for a great many other discoveries: plate tectonics, evolution, and the idea that germs cause illness all were not accepted until well after they were proposed. People hold onto beliefs in the face of evidence proving the contrary. That is what is happening today. More and more materialists are coming to understand the truth.
Read these collections of people who have become convinced of the truth. These are small samples of the entire body of people.
Clergy and church bodies: https://seekreality.com/seek-reality-news/clergy-and-church-bodies-conclude-there-is-evidence-of-life-after-death/
Attorneys: https://seekreality.com/seek-reality-news/attorneys-who-have-studied-the-life-after-this-life-become-convinced-of-its-reality/
Professors of the humanities: https://seekreality.com/seek-reality-news/professors-of-the-humanities-researching-the-life-after-this-life-become-convinced-of-it/
Psychology professionals: https://seekreality.com/seek-reality-news/psychology-professionals-become-convinced-of-life-after-this-life-from-their-experiences/
Physical scientists: https://seekreality.com/seek-reality-news/physical-scientists-who-have-studied-mediums-conclude-afterlife-communication-is-valid/
Examine the evidence. Read my book, Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt You Will Never Die. That also is just a sampling of the immense amount of evidence today.
Q &A
So the afterlife is more like a surprise for us rather than it being just like Earth?
The life we will enter after this life fits our expectations. It has all the characteristics of the Earth environment. But there is much, much more. You’re looking at what we have on Earth and wondering if the same things will be there. What you don’t realize is that there is a great variety of other experiences. We can observe historical events from Earth’s history, have books read themselves to us along with the author’s original intent and thoughts, propel automobiles and boats through mind power, attend vast events such as concerts where people we knew from Earth perform, listen to instruments we don’t know of on Earth, take walks through fields of beautiful, enormous flowers that have a heavenly odor but also have music coming from them, and much, much more. You needn’t wonder whether you’ll have the types of pleasurable experiences you have on Earth. You’ll have many more.
Q &A
Is wealth deceptive? Will it really make it harder for me to grow spiritually?
Nothing outside of you can hinder or hasten your spiritual growth and feelings of love, compassion, and joy. Wealth can neither add to your stature nor diminish it. What makes a difference is how you regard yourself and your wealth. You can be a miserable wealthy or miserable poor person, and likewise a joyful, compassionate wealthy person or joyful, compassionate poor person.
Q &A
If I chose this life and this amount of suffering, then why can't I stop it if I want?
It’s much like going through training to be a computer programmer. If you’re to come out of the training a fit, adept programmer, you’ll have to finish the training, even though at times it’s hard and you may feel you want to give up on computer programming. If you stop halfway, you won’t have learned the skills and won’t be able to be a computer programmer. If you were able to quit Earth School easily, you wouldn’t face the challenges that are making you a more wise, loving, compassionate person. The hard lessons are the most enlightening. They change you as a person. Only the crucible of struggles in Earth School can have the effect of causing you to grow when you go through the trials and come out the other side triumphant. That’s why you can’t just quit when the going gets rough.
Q &A
How often can I have after-death communication with my loved one?
You’ll also learn when THEY want to communicate. You can learn to have the sense when they are calling you or are near. It’s as real a sense as seeing or hearing. You just have to become attuned to it. If you are in grief, when you have a wave of sadness, it’s because they’re near or are thinking about you. At a subliminal level, you feel their presence and their love, so it brings up memories of them. The subliminal memories may put you into a feeling of grief because they’re not with you at that moment in the familiar body.
Be sensitive to the feeling they want to talk to you. Stop what you’re doing for a moment and talk to them. The first notion that comes to you after you say something is their response. If you have to think about it, you’ve missed it. They communicate telepathically, so you get their entire message in one package. It comes either before you say something, because they know what you’re going to say, or while you’re saying it, or immediately after you say it. They never wait a few seconds or a minute to respond. You’ll get used to receive their messages if you just relax and accept what comes to you as a notion or feeling or message when you say something to them.
Q &A
What the best evidence is we have for an afterlife.
Today, we have libraries of proof people live on in the life after this life after the body dies. Read my book, Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt You Will Never Die. The best evidence is communication from people now living in the afterlife to people on Earth who knew them well. The book contains evidence from these sources: direct-voice mediumship, materialization mediumship, instrumental transcommunication, spontaneous materializations, psychotherapist-guided communication, self-guided communication, trance mediumship, automatic and planchette writing, mental mediumship, dream visitations, and common afterlife communication experiences. The evidence is overwhelming.
Q &A
How do I spend all of my time growing spiritually and preparing for eternity? Where do I start?
You’ve already started. You grow in wisdom and spiritual stature by continuing to seek knowledge and being open to what you find. You are being given help by your Soul, your guides, and the people who love you who are living in the afterlife. Now you just have to seek out the sources of knowledge and drink from them.
A wise Rabbi who taught in the hills of the Galilee in the first century CE is reported to have said these insightful words: “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7, NLT) What Yeshua (Jesus) was saying to his listeners is that if you seek after wisdom and spiritual maturity, they will come to you. That is a law of nature. Fill your life with wholesome, uplifting things and people. Avoid things that are negative, violent, and cruel. You will rise in your spirituality just as a boat rises with the tide without an effort.
Q &A
NYC has plenty of different types of cuisine, such as cheesecake, pizza, egg tarts, hot dogs, etc. Can I taste them all in the afterlife?
Everything you want will be available to you because you want it. People of different cultures enter the next realm of life with their own set of expectations and desires. Among them are foods they ate on Earth and drink they normally had. In the life after this life, each person is in an environment that fits their expectations for life based on their common Earth experiences. As a result, if an Australian wanted a meat pie, it would be simply be there, cooked and ready to eat. If a Chinese person wanted stir-fried vegetables with particular herbs and spices, it would be available. A Greek individual would have Greek salad, seafood, or eggplant-based dishes. These dishes don’t have to be requested. All aspects of the environment fit the person’s expectations for normal life.
We also have heard people living in the afterlife saying they have wine, cigars, pipes, and other such sources of sensory experiences. Their taste is the ideal taste the individual experienced on Earth, but nothing harms the body or the environment. Only the taste and rest of the experience is present. No one has to go to the store to purchase these things. They are simply present in the person’s home because they expect life to contain them.
Q &A
Some people say that if we change our perspective, the reality we live in will change. It will turn into a paradise. Is that true?
Yes, there is nothing in our reality that requires the world be as it is, with so much turmoil. We create the turmoil. All people want to be loved, and all people have the capacity to love others. If we had love and compassion for others without reservation, we would live in a heaven on earth. Yeshua (Jesus) is reported to have said in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, “The Kingdom of Heaven is spread out upon the face of the Earth, and men do not see it.” If all people saw that loving others would result in their being loved, the world would change. Hopefully, that will happen. But all the comments I’ve heard from the other side say that it is not certain we will turn life around. It will require a great change in our will. It’s up to humanity to make it happen.
Q &A
Can people have sex in the afterlife if they want it?
As a person enters the Kingdom of the Mind after death, their mental perceptions become sharper and their earthly desires intensify, with their mental power becoming more significant. They can summon those who gratify their over-developed earthly desires and others of their kind are attracted to them, leading to a temporary existence in a sex paradise. However, these beings still yearn for gross sensations rather than the finer aspects of sexual love, such as perfect companionship without gratification of the grosser feelings. They obtain these sensations in abundance, leading to a terrible satiety and eventually disgust. It becomes extremely difficult for them to escape those who share these pleasures with them.You can read more at this Seek Reality Online post: https://seekreality.com/seek-reality-news/can-we-have-sex-in-the-afterlife-is-there-sex-in-heaven/
Q &A
Are our loved ones in the afterlife missing us until we get there?
Yes, they miss us, but not in the way you might think. They do miss doing the old things we did together with them when they were in Earth School. But they know in the blink of an eye we’ll be together with them and will have many more wonderful experiences with them. They visit us and are only a thought away. When we think of them, they come to us from wherever they are in the afterlife. So they don’t miss seeing us. They can do that anytime. What they miss is our realization they are around and able to communicate with us. They are saddened by their inability to get through to us. They miss the interaction we could have with them if we just learned how to communicate with them so we receive their communication.
Q &A
If most of our personal soul remains in Heaven, where we came from, why are we greeted after death like we weren't there?
Our Souls are part of our Higher Selves. The Earth School mind we are is performing a different role from our Soul. Our Soul was part of the planning of our lives and gives us guidance and counsel as we go through this life. Our Earth School mind is one with our Souls, but we don’t have the understanding and perspective of our Soul. We go through Earth School experiences to learn lessons and grow in love and compassion. We couldn’t do that if we had the perspective of our Souls, with all knowledge of life, the afterlife, the plan for our lives, and the involvement of other people and their souls. We are narrowly focused on Earth School. Our Earth School minds aren’t “in Heaven.” As such, we grow to love people here, and when they make their transition from this life, we miss them. When we arrive in the afterlife, we have a wonderful reunion with them.
Q &A
What happens to dictators who kill millions when they get to the afterlife?
First, there is no Hell. That’s a terrible mythology created by the church in the first centuries after Yeshua’s (Jesus’) transition from this life to the next. People who are cruel, violent, without a conscience, sadistic, and otherwise unsavory live with people who have the same attitudes in a separate realm or level in the afterlife. It isn’t a punishment. They are keeping themselves there by maintaining their twisted state of mind. There, they treat each other badly and perpetuate the negative environment. Counselors from higher levels go down to them to counsel them with the goal of having them raise themselves out of those circumstances by learning to be loving and compassion. Eventually, everyone grows out of that state of mind.
But it isn’t just dictators who kill millions and serial killers who have that negative state of mind. Any individual may have it, even if that person doesn’t follow through with killing someone. The attitude is the same, whether the person has killed millions or has such hatred in their heart that they would do harm to others. I know of one good Catholic who attended mass twice a week, said the rosary every day, and went to confession regularly. He told me that if he could, he would line up all the abortion doctors and shoot them to death. His heart was the same as Hitler’s, Stalin’s, Pol Pot’s, or other dictator’s heart. He just didn’t have the means to follow through with his hatred.
Yeshua (Jesus) is reported to have said “You have heard it said long ago, ‘Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, ‘Raca,’ (meaning ‘you empty-headed idiot,’) is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of Gehenna (a garbage dump where people were burned in the past).” (Matthew 5:21-22) He was saying that there is no difference between committing murder and being angry with someone without committing murder. The anger a person feels is the same as murdering someone.
In the end, we are in Earth School to learn to be loving and compassionate. It is part of the human condition to be angry at times. But our goal is to reduce our anger and show love for those who malign us.
Q &A
Is it true you can manifest anything with mind power? How are we supposed to, for example, get money we need?
“Manifesting” through mind power is greatly misunderstood. There is evidence that intentions can influence reality. Many studies have been done of “healers” focusing on patients in cardiac-care intensive care units, blood cells treated with saline to kill them, bean sprouts, and a great variety of other things. The finding is that the healer’s intentions for healing to occur for the experimental group resulted in positive effects.
Lynne McTaggart has done work on using meditation groups of eight people to influence reality, primarily through healing, but also in having events occur in a person’s life. Read her book The Intention Experiment. She had people in groups of eight focus their intention together on a single target to have significant changes in the target. The evidence is that the effects did occur. Nearly all of the targets were healing of some kind. Some of them showed events such as being given a job offer may have been influenced by the intentions of the circles. However, wishing for a Ferrari is not likely to put the car in your driveway.
You can manifest through your intentions by using them to give you confidence and direction. Then you may be helped along the way. You might want to lose weight, so you set the intention to be 20 pounds lighter in four weeks. That intention has energy. However, it’s also your following through with exercise and diet to see the changes occur. Just “intending” to have a manifestation and following a normal eating routine won’t result in changes.
In your case, you want money. Set your intention to have the money you need in two weeks. Then set about using all the guidance you’re being given to discover means to make money that will allow you to achieve your goal. The intention gives you the energy you need. You will find doors opening to you when you go through the effort to obtain the money. However, you may also be setting an unrealistic expectation. Don’t expect the universe to give you what you ask for just because you ask for it. Be realistic.
Q &A
Can I fly at the speed of thought, like Superman, in the afterlife?
We have not heard of anyone flying, but it seems it may be possible because we know people are able to perform activities they have always wanted to perform on Earth. Many experiences a person would like to have had are possible in the afterlife after the person has matured in the ability to manipulate the environment. People newly arrived have few of the unusual abilities. The person’s intention matures so more things are possible. So it isn’t to say flying is possible, but it may be. As far as traveling at the speed of light, people travel faster than the speed of light. They can intend to be somewhere and are instantly there. “Travel” is different from “flying.” There is no travel through space when someone intends to be somewhere else. They intend to be somewhere and are simply there, instantly.
Q &A
How do spiritual entities recognize each other in the afterlife if there is no physical body?
We do have physical bodies in the life after this life. Life there is much like life here. The experiences you have here are the same experiences you will have there, only with no negatives. You will have a body that is as it was (or ideally would have been) in your 20s or 30s, with no defects. Children who transition to the afterlife grow up until they reach the their 20s or 30s in Earth years. People take walks, swim, play ball games, perform in orchestras, and even have sex if they want to. All the pleasures of the body we have on Earth are available in the afterlife. There are no illnesses or accidents that deform the body. Read our blog about the body at https://seekreality.com/seek-reality-news/will-we-have-a-body-in-the-afterlife/ for more.
Q &A
Will there be technology in heaven, such as smartphones for example?
You won’t need technology in the afterlife. For example, if you want to converse with someone, you just do it through telepathy. You can link with anyone, anywhere. If you want to be someplace, you just intend to be there and you are there.
Q &A
How can it be that a soul that is part of my higher self might be on Earth at the same time I am here?
Other souls that are members in our Higher Self are in Earth School at the same time we are and after we graduate. All are part of our Higher Self. You can’t understand it because when we try to translate it into vocabulary, we use our experiences from Earth School. We see people as individuals, separate from one another. We translate that into a Higher Self as an individual with little individuals in it. Instead, realize that we are all one with each other and everything and everyone who has ever lived. There is one Universal Intelligence. So the roles of various individuals in it are fluid, not discrete.
Don’t think of the Higher Self as an individual. The Higher Self is the combination of all the individuals who comprise the group we call the Higher Self. We have our individual self and we have the group soul that we call the Higher Self. We have a closer relationship with the individuals in our Higher Self than we do with other groups or other Higher Selves. That is all the Higher Self is. So we are intertwined with all those in our group.
Q &A
When Jesus said we must be reborn to see the Kingdom of God, was he referring to reincarnation?
The Aramaic name for Jesus that was mistranslated in Greek and Latin was Yeshua.
As for the saying by Yeshua that we must be “born again,” he clarified that when he repeated it to Nicodemus by adding “of water and the spirit.” He wasn’t referring to reincarnation. He was referring to what he said as reported in Matthew: “Have a change of heart and mind, for the Kingdom of Heaven is here now.” And in Luke he clarified, “the Kingdom of God is within you.” The word he used for how a person would enter the Kingdom of Heaven was metanoia in the Greek. It means “Have a fundamental change of heart and mind or spiritual conversion.” It was mistranslated as “repent” in the familiar passage, “Repent (metanoia), for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand (here right now).”
So Yeshua wasn’t referring to being born again as in the mistaken notion of reincarnation as coming back to Earth. He was referring to what his listeners must do now to have love, peace, and joy in their lives in the present moment. They must be born of the spirit and baptized with water to show their change of heart and mind. In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, he is reported to have said, “The Kingdom of God is spread out upon the face of the Earth, and men do not see it.” He was saying heaven is here now if we just realize it, accept it, and live life knowing it.
Yeshua’s focus was on this life rather than the afterlife.
Q &A
What are the cities of heaven like?
The cities are much like cities on Earth, but more glorious. They have an opalescent exterior. They are built as buildings are on Earth, but there is a strong component of the builders’ intentions that create the buildings. The halls are vast. There are no cars, buses, or other such mechanical devices in the cities. Instead, there are broad avenues people walk on. People do have cars, motorcycles, boats, and other mechanical devices, but they don’t burn fossil fuels. They are propelled by the intention of the driver.
There is nothing but God, Our Universal Intelligence. We are facets of that divinity in our individual form. We are all Our Universal Intelligence taking on different roles. We are our minds developed in Earth School, with our levels of love and compassion we develop on Earth. We are also individuals within a larger Higher Self. The Higher Self is taking on roles within Our Universal Intelligence. The individuals we are remain individual throughout eternity. Let me know if you want more.