Seek Reality Online

The Most Current Evidence Proving the Reality YOU WILL NEVER DIE!

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A Man in the Afterlife Describes the “Cleansing Station” He Arrived at in the Afterlife

Leslie Flint was a twentieth-century direct-voice medium. Voices of people living in the afterlife come through audibly and clearly.  Today, we have…

What happens after we die?

A Man Who Died Describes Standing Over His Dead Body

Leslie Flint was a twentieth-century direct-voice medium. Voices of people living in the afterlife come through audibly and clearly. Today, we have…

A Man in the Afterlife Describes Seeing His Mother When He Awakened There

Leslie Flint was a twentieth-century direct-voice medium. Voices of people living in the afterlife come through audibly and clearly. Today, we have…

Frederic Chopin came through in a Leslie Flint seance

Frédéric Chopin in Spirit Explains that the Spirit Is Not in the Body

Leslie Flint Was the Most Tested Medium Ever Leslie Flint was a twentieth-century direct-voice medium. Voices of people living in the afterlife*…

Sworn Court Testimony That a Miscarried Son Spoke to His Mother from the Afterlife

Helen Duncan, a British medium active in the twentieth century, gained notoriety for her ability to materialize spirits during séances. She was…

Helen Duncan had people materialize in seances

A Trial Witness Describes Seeing and Speaking to Her Loved Ones

Helen Duncan, Materialization Medium Helen Duncan, a British medium active in the twentieth century, gained notoriety for her purported ability to materialize…

Three People Living in the Afterlife Describe Their Awakening There

There are many descriptions by people living in the afterlife of what they experienced when they awoke  in the afterlife. This article…

How Big is the Afterlife?

The people communicating to us from the life after this life explain that it is vaster than we can imagine. There are…

Will I Be Able to Keep Learning and Growing in Wisdom in the Afterlife?

Earth School provides experiences we cannot have while in the comfortable environment we enter in the next stage of life. Earth School…

Will I have a job in the afterlife?

Everyone is occupied with what is of greatest interest to them. That results in the services we associate with being provided by…

Why Don’t People in the Afterlife Just Communicate with Me?

Do My Loved Ones in the Life after This Life Communicate with Me? Our loved ones communicate with us often, especially in…

How Can I Become the Person My Soul Enrolled Me in Earth School to Become?

What Are the Conditions for Developing into the Person I Enrolled in Earth School to Become? We have been blessed with all…