The Most Current Evidence Proving the Reality YOU WILL NEVER DIE!

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The mind is not in the brain

25 Years Ago Neuroscientists Were Sure the Mind Would be Found in the Brain by 2024. Times up. How did we do?

An article in online Discovery Magazine1 explains that 25 years ago, neuroscientists were sure in 25 years, neuroscience would explain how the…

If You Believe a Treatment Won’t Help You, It Probably Won’t–and Vice Versa

You ever heard of the placebo effect. It’s when patients believe they’re receiving a potent new medication, only to find out they’re…

A Parrot Demonstrates It Can Read Minds

The source of reality is Our Universal Intelligence. Psychics are able to read others’ minds because we are all one in this…

Mark Ireland Talks about the Persistence of the Soul

Mark Ireland has been a leader in the field of proving afterlife survival for a great many years. In fact, he is…

More Evidence Plants Communicate with Each Other

The basis of our reality in Earth School is Our Universal Intelligence. As Amit Goswami, the quantum physicist, concluded, “There is nothing…

What is the nature of reality

Science Suggests Time and Space Emerge from Something More Fundamental

An article in Scientific American explains, that as scientists look into the basis of reality, deeper than subatomic particles, they are discovering…

Journey to the Afterlife to Connect with Friends, Pets, and Historical Figures

Master teacher Dr. Scott M. Taylor will help you raise your vibration and experience the benefits of having an NDE without actually having one to expand your…

A Man in Spirit Tries to Communicate with Friends in a Pub

A man named Alfred Higgins speaks from the afterlife in a Leslie Flint seance describing going to a pub after his death…

She Met Her Father in the Afterlife–He Was Younger Than She Was

Thousands of people have gone through the free training in how to have an afterlife communication with loved ones at In…

Aviator Amy Johnson in the Afterlife Explains that Humankind Creates Our Environment

Amy Johnson was the first British woman to earn a ground engineer’s license to work with planes. In 1930, she became the…

Evidence the Mind Could Not Be in the Brain ~ Hyperthymesia

Emily Nash recalls details about every day of her life. At least 100 people in the world also have this ability, termed…

A Woman Visits the Beach with Her Daughter in the Afterlife

A woman went through the training in how to have an afterlife connection using the free Self-Guided Afterlife Connections procedure at…