We Know What Happens When You Die

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Russell Byrne Proof of life after death

When a direct-voice medium in the twentieth century named Leslie Flint sat in a darkened room, people from the afterlife would come into the room and speak as clearly as though they had been in a body standing before a microphone. In this first video in a series containing these recordings, you will hear people now living in the afterlife speaking about what happened to them during and after they made their transition into the afterlife.

A transcript of the video follows the controls.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

Transcript ~ What Happens When You Die?

Leslie Flint was a direct-voice medium in the twentieth century. An ectoplasmic voicebox formed on his shoulder and people from the afterlife spoke through the voice box. For the proof the voices were coming from people in the afterlife, not Flint, go to https://seekreality.com/seek-reality-news/evidence-the-leslie-flint-sessions-are-valid-afterlife-communications/

Leslie Flint, direct-voice medium
Leslie Flint, Direct-Voice Medium

Many of these people described what happened to them during their transition to the next life and immediately afterward. This video and others in the series contain voiceovers of the recordings of these people’s descriptions. I am using voicovers instead of the original recordings because the original recordings are not as clear.

Alfred Frost Speaking from the Afterlife

The first is the recording of a man named Alfred Frost, speaking from the afterlife. Frost said he was in his garden when he felt a little odd, then died. His daughter came to where he had fallen and, seeing him lying on the ground, dropped the cup she had in her hand and screamed. Then he saw his wife, but she had passed away years before and looked so young that it took him a little while to realize it was her.

This is his account. A transcript follows the audio controls.

Transcript ~ Alfred Frost on Entering the Afterlife

All I remember was feeling a bit giddy and that was it. I remember my daughter, she came out to the garden to call me for a cup of tea and she saw me lying on the path there. Of course, by that time I was gone, you see. I could see her. I stood there and it dawned on me almost immediately what had happened and… I have been told since that sometimes people don’t realize they’re dead, but I knew almost, well, instinctively, or whatever it is.

I could see myself lying down on the path and I saw my daughter come out and she saw me lying there and she let out a yell. She dropped the cup and saucer and ran down… and, of course, by that time I was gone, you see.

But oh, there was a set to. Of course, I was living with my daughter you see, my married daughter. My wife had passed over some years ago and I remember only too well, uh, just after my daughter found me, my wife appeared to me and she was all-smiling, like a young girl she looked.

At first I didn’t even recognize her. That was the funny part about it. And, I suppose it’s… of course, in my own mind I had always thought of her as an old lady, you see. It took me quite a few, I suppose, minutes of time – I don’t know how long it might have been – before I gathered my wits and realized who it was.

Oh, it was ‘a do’ that day, I tell you. Of course they came and carried me inside and… oh, dear. And my…my son-in-law, he was there. Actually, he’d been out you see, and my daughter was all on her own. He was out somewhere. I think he’d gone to a match or something, if I remember right.

Of course, there was a proper ‘to do’ and then they took me away and… Oh, of course, then there was a funeral and… I always remember my daughter coming out into the garden and she picked some roses and she put them on my coffin.

Russell Byrne on What Happens When We Die

The second speaker from the afterlife is a little boy named Russell Byrne who transitioned to the next life at the age of 9. He came through a mental medium named Deborah Moore to speak with his mother, Gwen Byrne. Russel describes what happened after his body died. This is a voiceover narration of his account from the book Russel, a book by Gwen Byrne that contains Russel’s descriptions of his transition from this life and his life in the afterlife. Russel begins in the moments after his body died.

Transcript of Russell Byrne Speaking from the Afterlife

But there in front of me stood the most beautiful, beautiful lady and she was very beautiful, Mum. She was dressed in a long blue robe and upon her head she had a long white … not a cloak but like a sheet. Very much like the robes the Jewish ladies used to wear about two thousand years ago. Her name was Maria and when she spoke, she spoke in such a lovely voice Mum, it was as if in her voice I could hear the sound of waterfalls and tinkling bells. Truly, that was her voice. It was so magical and so lovely and around her there shone a great light and she had a most beautiful smile upon her face and she came forward to me and she said, ‘Come on Russell” and she held her arms out to me – her arms outstretched – and said, ‘Come Russell, come with me. It is time for you to go. It is time for you to come with me, to leave this Earth and come back to your true home.’ I asked about you and about Dad and I said, ‘I would like to say goodbye to Mum or Dad,’ and she said, ‘That is not necessary, not now.

For you will not lose them and they will not lose you, and we will bring you back many times to see them so you will not have lost them.’ And she said, ‘Come, Russell, come. Come now.’ I said, ‘But I cannot move. I am so tired.’ She said ‘Move, move Russell, try to move,’ and of course I tried to sit up and Mum, I could sit up! I could! I could sit up, I could swing my legs off the side of the bed and could wriggle down on to the floor and I could walk towards this beautiful, beautiful lady.

I looked round and I looked behind me and there was ME. I was lying on that bed and yet I was standing here just the same as I was on the bed – like a mirror reflection really – beside this beautiful, beautiful lady, and I looked at me that was and I looked at the beautiful lady and I looked at me that is now and I just didn’t understand. She smiled because she could read my thoughts you see, we didn’t need language any more for in spirit, as you think it so the person you think the thought to, hears it – picks it up – like a kind of telepathy on the Earth. That’s the way we communicate. We have no need of language. So we think – so we know against mind to mind. I looked at her and she knew and understood my perplexity. She smiled and laughed and she gathered me up into her arms. I felt so happy – so free – because I wasn’t tired any more. There wasn’t any pain. There was none of that awful, awful tiredness. I was as light and free as the wind and it was wonderful.

We walked through the walls – we just walked! Slowly, as we walked, I noticed that she was making me laugh and she was making me feel happy and free and full of life. More full of life and happier than I’d ever been for years upon the Earth because I was free of the great burden of this knowledge that I was not long to stay.

My eyes were dazzled at first, but as they grew adjusted to this great light I could see things. I could see people. I could see other children. I could see other people that were beloved of mine on the Earth plane, waving, smiling, greeting. I found myself, Mum, in this most wonderful, wonderful garden and I can only … well it was like a garden, it was like a cross between a garden and a parkland like you’d find. That’s the nearest I can describe it upon the Earth. You know, it was a garden that was vast. It was like a cross between a vast garden and a vast park. It was so light, it was like a glorious summer’s day, but it wasn’t too hot and it wasn’t too cold. It was just perfect and there was such love in this place – such love – and the love helped me. I felt stronger – I was getting stronger in this lady’s arms, with all this love around me. I was getting stronger, stronger all the time and I struggled in her arms and said, ‘Oh please let me go. Let me play over there. Let me explore all this wonderful place. Let me see where everything is.’

She walked through this beautiful place – this beautiful garden – and she took me to a beautiful white pillared building. She was greeted by people who lived in this white pillared building that looked after the children of the Earth, that put them on the road to recovery after they had been ill. You see, if you’d been ill … if a child has been ill upon the Earth plane, they are taken to the Halls of Healing where people who love children work with them and heal them from whatever physical or mental traumas they have suffered upon the Earth, and of course I had been through a lot of physical trauma hadn’t I. Because of my illness. But it was nothing like the Earth. It was nothing like the Earth.

Isaac Watson Describes What Happens When We Die

The third speaker from the afterlife describing what happened when he passed away was named Isaac Watson. Watson was the Jewish son of a Polish immigrant to England. He says that he had a sense of tremendous relief after he passed away and found himself in an exact replica of his old home. He explains that it is very wrong to assume that the earth is the only world. This is a voiceover of his recording.

Transcript of Isaac Watson Describing His Experience

Well I found myself over here, first thing I remember was my father coming to meet me. Funny thing was I remember ‘waking up’ – I suppose is the way you’d put it – it would appear to me to be (well, it was) a garden.

First of all I thought it was the garden of our old house. We had a magnificent garden. My father was a great gardener and very interested in that. This place was so like it. And I remember I was sitting on a seat and looking across the lawns to an ornamental lake, which my father had had built. And I remember waking up and seeing my father coming towards me with his hands outstretched. First it didn’t strike me as odd. I think I thought of it all in such a natural manner, as if it was the most natural thing.

I remember him sitting down beside me and congratulating me. Well this struck me as odd, why I should be congratulated. In fact, I couldn’t think what I had done, what I had achieved. He wasn’t a demonstrative man on Earth and there he was telling me how happy he was, that I’d come through and succeeded.

For a moment I didn’t understand what he was referring to and then it suddenly dawned on me, that this was all an unnatural situation. What was I doing on this seat in this particular place – which was really of some forty years previously, possibly more, in my youth; my early years, my formative years?

We often went to the country during the summer months when business permitted – and in the winter too. And it was just as if I had come down for a week or two in the country to my father’s place. And it struck me as being so strange, because it was as if I could remember at that particular moment, that I had been much older, and that I was lying on a bed and that I was, and had been for many months, suffering a great deal with my lungs and chest, having great difficulty with breathing.

But here I was, as natural… and breathing as easily as I had done in the old days.

And my father said, ‘you know, you’re now out of it all.’ And it began to dawn on me that this was an unreal situation. But I… what he meant was, that I was out of the old life and I couldn’t help thinking to myself, ‘well I can’t be dead.’ And yet everything seems to imply that some big change has taken place, because this is all so familiar and yet, it was forty… fifty years ago in my life.

Then I thought to myself, ‘well how could it be, this place?’ If it’s…if it’s a new life that I’m in, if this is true, then I don’t see how my father’s property can be over on this side of life.’

It was all bewildering.

And he was saying to me, ‘of course you know that we have still got the old house’.

And I thought this was so strange. He said, ‘you know this is an exact replica.’

I said, ‘What do you mean an exact… exact replica?’

He said, ‘Of the old home.’

And I could see, of course, that it evidently was a replica. Although to me it seemed identical, I thought it was the house, but I knew that it couldn’t be.

And he said, ‘Let us go in and see the others’.


And I said, ‘Others? What others?’

And he said, ‘Oh, Mother and Simon.’

Simon was a young brother, by the way, who passed in infancy and when he said ‘Simon’, it didn’t mean a thing to me.

I said, ‘Simon, Simon, who the deuce is Simon?’

He said, ‘Simon is your brother. Don’t you remember the baby brother who died when you were about three or four years old?’

I said, ‘Simon?’

I didn’t remember any of this.

Anyway, we went into the old house. It was exactly the same. Everything about it was the same; the same furniture, the same statues, the same mantelshelf. Everything was identical in the drawing room; the piano was there and I could see, as it were, as if I were going back more than 50 years – all perfectly reproduced.

And there was my mother, looking so young, so very young, and I hardly realized at first that it was she. But it was she, but as she was when my mother and father, presumably, first met. And there was a tall young fellow. I should think he looked about seventeen, eighteen. It turned out to be this brother who died in infancy. Puzzling.

Mary Ann Ross Describes What Happens After Death

The last speaker in this video was named Mary Ann Ross. Just after she died, Ross thought her death experience was just a beautiful dream. Her deceased dog and a suitor she had turned down were there waiting for her. She describes beautiful poppies growing in the afterlife, and assures the listeners that no one needs to worry at all about dying. She begins describing what she experienced immediately after she made the transition from her body and left the Earth plane.

Transcript of Mary Ann Ross Describing What Happens After Death

But it’s very odd. It was as if the whole room was full o’ light. And I could see all sorts o’ people around. There was my mother and my father and my brother, who’d died many years before. And Nellie.

She was a friend. One o’ ma few friends, that had died only a few weeks…they were all in the room and I thought I was having a dream, about my people. But it was Nellie, who came and she put her arms around me, and she kissed me on the face. And it was warm and real. And my mother came, she kissed me too. And they took my hands, and the next thing I know it was as if I was floating through the window, and then everything went black. I cannot remember a thing until I woke up. And I was in a bed in a very nice room, with rafters and beams and things – like an old house. But it was cosy and friendly and the sun, that I thought, was shining through the window.

And there was my mother, but she did not look the same as when I saw her in ma dream, as I thought. She looked young, as I’d seen her in the picture that used to hang in my bedroom, when she was married, many years before. And she’d got a white dress and she had a black bow ribbon in her hair – so like I’d seen her in early pictures, when I was very young. We used to have everything – collection of old photos, that mother’d keep in the tin. Yes, it was just as if I was seeing her as she was then.

She said to me that I was alright and that I’d nothing to worry about and I was not going back, and I thought this is just a dream. And then she said no, it’s not a dream, it’s real…you’re alive now, you’re not to worry about anything. And she said, soon, when you’re really recovered over this, she said, we’ll go out we’ll meet all sorts of people that you used to know when you were a wee bairn, you know, when you were young.

I could not quite see and understand, I could not realise at that stage that I was dead. It was like a beautiful dream. Then there was a dog jumped on ma bed and this really gave me a fright, in a way. Not that I was afraid of dogs, I was fond of animals, but this was a dog that we’d had many years ago, that ma father adored and that was killed by a cart, many years ago, when I was, oh – in my twenties, I suppose. And this dog we called it Nipper. And do you know, to see Nipper jump on this bed startled me and I just couldn’t realise. My mother said, of course we’ve animals here too. Ah, I thought well this is – you know, I just couldn’t understand it, if they were dead. As my mother said, that there’d be animals too. And she said, oh that’s nothing. She said, out in the yard, she said, you’ll see a lot of other animals too.

I just couldn’t take to this at all, I couldn’t believe. You know, when you’ve been brought up as I was, to a religious way of life, you know, you didn’t automatically begin to think of animals being here. And then again, I thought this was too natural to be heaven. I thought it would be quite different and that it would all be, well, like one sees in pictures and religious books, you know the angels and wings an the – – – you know. This didn’t seem right, I thought it must be a dream or that I’d wake up, but no. I don’t know how long I must ha’ been in this way, but I know that I felt different.

I felt as if I was light as air and I was curious about myself and I said I’d like to see myself in the mirror and my mother laughed at me and she said we don’t have mirrors here. Mirrors are not necessary, you can see yourself when you know yourself. You don’t have to look into a mirror to see how you look or how you are. I didn’t understand this at all, but all I know, that I felt so different. I felt so young and ma body seemed light. I just felt as if I could get up and dance around the room. But my mother said no, not for the moment, you just wait a wee while, you see.

You Will Never Die

All of these speakers now living happy and content in the afterlife came through in Leslie Flint sessions. Links to other recordings are in the description below. The recordings are further evidence you will come to the end of this life, but you will never die.

We Know What Happens When You Die
Article Name
We Know What Happens When You Die
In this first video in a series containing these recordings, you will hear people now living in the afterlife speaking about what happened to them during and after they made their transition into the afterlife.
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Seek Reality Online
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Russell Byrne Proof of life after death

When a direct-voice medium in the twentieth century named Leslie Flint sat in a darkened room, people from the afterlife would come into the room and speak as clearly as though they had been in a body standing before a microphone. In this first video in a series containing these recordings, you will hear people now living in the afterlife speaking about what happened to them during and after they made their transition into the afterlife.

A transcript of the video follows the controls.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

Transcript ~ What Happens When You Die?

Leslie Flint was a direct-voice medium in the twentieth century. An ectoplasmic voicebox formed on his shoulder and people from the afterlife spoke through the voice box. For the proof the voices were coming from people in the afterlife, not Flint, go to https://seekreality.com/seek-reality-news/evidence-the-leslie-flint-sessions-are-valid-afterlife-communications/

Leslie Flint, direct-voice medium
Leslie Flint, Direct-Voice Medium

Many of these people described what happened to them during their transition to the next life and immediately afterward. This video and others in the series contain voiceovers of the recordings of these people’s descriptions. I am using voicovers instead of the original recordings because the original recordings are not as clear.

Alfred Frost Speaking from the Afterlife

The first is the recording of a man named Alfred Frost, speaking from the afterlife. Frost said he was in his garden when he felt a little odd, then died. His daughter came to where he had fallen and, seeing him lying on the ground, dropped the cup she had in her hand and screamed. Then he saw his wife, but she had passed away years before and looked so young that it took him a little while to realize it was her.

This is his account. A transcript follows the audio controls.

Transcript ~ Alfred Frost on Entering the Afterlife

All I remember was feeling a bit giddy and that was it. I remember my daughter, she came out to the garden to call me for a cup of tea and she saw me lying on the path there. Of course, by that time I was gone, you see. I could see her. I stood there and it dawned on me almost immediately what had happened and… I have been told since that sometimes people don’t realize they’re dead, but I knew almost, well, instinctively, or whatever it is.

I could see myself lying down on the path and I saw my daughter come out and she saw me lying there and she let out a yell. She dropped the cup and saucer and ran down… and, of course, by that time I was gone, you see.

But oh, there was a set to. Of course, I was living with my daughter you see, my married daughter. My wife had passed over some years ago and I remember only too well, uh, just after my daughter found me, my wife appeared to me and she was all-smiling, like a young girl she looked.

At first I didn’t even recognize her. That was the funny part about it. And, I suppose it’s… of course, in my own mind I had always thought of her as an old lady, you see. It took me quite a few, I suppose, minutes of time – I don’t know how long it might have been – before I gathered my wits and realized who it was.

Oh, it was ‘a do’ that day, I tell you. Of course they came and carried me inside and… oh, dear. And my…my son-in-law, he was there. Actually, he’d been out you see, and my daughter was all on her own. He was out somewhere. I think he’d gone to a match or something, if I remember right.

Of course, there was a proper ‘to do’ and then they took me away and… Oh, of course, then there was a funeral and… I always remember my daughter coming out into the garden and she picked some roses and she put them on my coffin.

Russell Byrne on What Happens When We Die

The second speaker from the afterlife is a little boy named Russell Byrne who transitioned to the next life at the age of 9. He came through a mental medium named Deborah Moore to speak with his mother, Gwen Byrne. Russel describes what happened after his body died. This is a voiceover narration of his account from the book Russel, a book by Gwen Byrne that contains Russel’s descriptions of his transition from this life and his life in the afterlife. Russel begins in the moments after his body died.

Transcript of Russell Byrne Speaking from the Afterlife

But there in front of me stood the most beautiful, beautiful lady and she was very beautiful, Mum. She was dressed in a long blue robe and upon her head she had a long white … not a cloak but like a sheet. Very much like the robes the Jewish ladies used to wear about two thousand years ago. Her name was Maria and when she spoke, she spoke in such a lovely voice Mum, it was as if in her voice I could hear the sound of waterfalls and tinkling bells. Truly, that was her voice. It was so magical and so lovely and around her there shone a great light and she had a most beautiful smile upon her face and she came forward to me and she said, ‘Come on Russell” and she held her arms out to me – her arms outstretched – and said, ‘Come Russell, come with me. It is time for you to go. It is time for you to come with me, to leave this Earth and come back to your true home.’ I asked about you and about Dad and I said, ‘I would like to say goodbye to Mum or Dad,’ and she said, ‘That is not necessary, not now.

For you will not lose them and they will not lose you, and we will bring you back many times to see them so you will not have lost them.’ And she said, ‘Come, Russell, come. Come now.’ I said, ‘But I cannot move. I am so tired.’ She said ‘Move, move Russell, try to move,’ and of course I tried to sit up and Mum, I could sit up! I could! I could sit up, I could swing my legs off the side of the bed and could wriggle down on to the floor and I could walk towards this beautiful, beautiful lady.

I looked round and I looked behind me and there was ME. I was lying on that bed and yet I was standing here just the same as I was on the bed – like a mirror reflection really – beside this beautiful, beautiful lady, and I looked at me that was and I looked at the beautiful lady and I looked at me that is now and I just didn’t understand. She smiled because she could read my thoughts you see, we didn’t need language any more for in spirit, as you think it so the person you think the thought to, hears it – picks it up – like a kind of telepathy on the Earth. That’s the way we communicate. We have no need of language. So we think – so we know against mind to mind. I looked at her and she knew and understood my perplexity. She smiled and laughed and she gathered me up into her arms. I felt so happy – so free – because I wasn’t tired any more. There wasn’t any pain. There was none of that awful, awful tiredness. I was as light and free as the wind and it was wonderful.

We walked through the walls – we just walked! Slowly, as we walked, I noticed that she was making me laugh and she was making me feel happy and free and full of life. More full of life and happier than I’d ever been for years upon the Earth because I was free of the great burden of this knowledge that I was not long to stay.

My eyes were dazzled at first, but as they grew adjusted to this great light I could see things. I could see people. I could see other children. I could see other people that were beloved of mine on the Earth plane, waving, smiling, greeting. I found myself, Mum, in this most wonderful, wonderful garden and I can only … well it was like a garden, it was like a cross between a garden and a parkland like you’d find. That’s the nearest I can describe it upon the Earth. You know, it was a garden that was vast. It was like a cross between a vast garden and a vast park. It was so light, it was like a glorious summer’s day, but it wasn’t too hot and it wasn’t too cold. It was just perfect and there was such love in this place – such love – and the love helped me. I felt stronger – I was getting stronger in this lady’s arms, with all this love around me. I was getting stronger, stronger all the time and I struggled in her arms and said, ‘Oh please let me go. Let me play over there. Let me explore all this wonderful place. Let me see where everything is.’

She walked through this beautiful place – this beautiful garden – and she took me to a beautiful white pillared building. She was greeted by people who lived in this white pillared building that looked after the children of the Earth, that put them on the road to recovery after they had been ill. You see, if you’d been ill … if a child has been ill upon the Earth plane, they are taken to the Halls of Healing where people who love children work with them and heal them from whatever physical or mental traumas they have suffered upon the Earth, and of course I had been through a lot of physical trauma hadn’t I. Because of my illness. But it was nothing like the Earth. It was nothing like the Earth.

Isaac Watson Describes What Happens When We Die

The third speaker from the afterlife describing what happened when he passed away was named Isaac Watson. Watson was the Jewish son of a Polish immigrant to England. He says that he had a sense of tremendous relief after he passed away and found himself in an exact replica of his old home. He explains that it is very wrong to assume that the earth is the only world. This is a voiceover of his recording.

Transcript of Isaac Watson Describing His Experience

Well I found myself over here, first thing I remember was my father coming to meet me. Funny thing was I remember ‘waking up’ – I suppose is the way you’d put it – it would appear to me to be (well, it was) a garden.

First of all I thought it was the garden of our old house. We had a magnificent garden. My father was a great gardener and very interested in that. This place was so like it. And I remember I was sitting on a seat and looking across the lawns to an ornamental lake, which my father had had built. And I remember waking up and seeing my father coming towards me with his hands outstretched. First it didn’t strike me as odd. I think I thought of it all in such a natural manner, as if it was the most natural thing.

I remember him sitting down beside me and congratulating me. Well this struck me as odd, why I should be congratulated. In fact, I couldn’t think what I had done, what I had achieved. He wasn’t a demonstrative man on Earth and there he was telling me how happy he was, that I’d come through and succeeded.

For a moment I didn’t understand what he was referring to and then it suddenly dawned on me, that this was all an unnatural situation. What was I doing on this seat in this particular place – which was really of some forty years previously, possibly more, in my youth; my early years, my formative years?

We often went to the country during the summer months when business permitted – and in the winter too. And it was just as if I had come down for a week or two in the country to my father’s place. And it struck me as being so strange, because it was as if I could remember at that particular moment, that I had been much older, and that I was lying on a bed and that I was, and had been for many months, suffering a great deal with my lungs and chest, having great difficulty with breathing.

But here I was, as natural… and breathing as easily as I had done in the old days.

And my father said, ‘you know, you’re now out of it all.’ And it began to dawn on me that this was an unreal situation. But I… what he meant was, that I was out of the old life and I couldn’t help thinking to myself, ‘well I can’t be dead.’ And yet everything seems to imply that some big change has taken place, because this is all so familiar and yet, it was forty… fifty years ago in my life.

Then I thought to myself, ‘well how could it be, this place?’ If it’s…if it’s a new life that I’m in, if this is true, then I don’t see how my father’s property can be over on this side of life.’

It was all bewildering.

And he was saying to me, ‘of course you know that we have still got the old house’.

And I thought this was so strange. He said, ‘you know this is an exact replica.’

I said, ‘What do you mean an exact… exact replica?’

He said, ‘Of the old home.’

And I could see, of course, that it evidently was a replica. Although to me it seemed identical, I thought it was the house, but I knew that it couldn’t be.

And he said, ‘Let us go in and see the others’.


And I said, ‘Others? What others?’

And he said, ‘Oh, Mother and Simon.’

Simon was a young brother, by the way, who passed in infancy and when he said ‘Simon’, it didn’t mean a thing to me.

I said, ‘Simon, Simon, who the deuce is Simon?’

He said, ‘Simon is your brother. Don’t you remember the baby brother who died when you were about three or four years old?’

I said, ‘Simon?’

I didn’t remember any of this.

Anyway, we went into the old house. It was exactly the same. Everything about it was the same; the same furniture, the same statues, the same mantelshelf. Everything was identical in the drawing room; the piano was there and I could see, as it were, as if I were going back more than 50 years – all perfectly reproduced.

And there was my mother, looking so young, so very young, and I hardly realized at first that it was she. But it was she, but as she was when my mother and father, presumably, first met. And there was a tall young fellow. I should think he looked about seventeen, eighteen. It turned out to be this brother who died in infancy. Puzzling.

Mary Ann Ross Describes What Happens After Death

The last speaker in this video was named Mary Ann Ross. Just after she died, Ross thought her death experience was just a beautiful dream. Her deceased dog and a suitor she had turned down were there waiting for her. She describes beautiful poppies growing in the afterlife, and assures the listeners that no one needs to worry at all about dying. She begins describing what she experienced immediately after she made the transition from her body and left the Earth plane.

Transcript of Mary Ann Ross Describing What Happens After Death

But it’s very odd. It was as if the whole room was full o’ light. And I could see all sorts o’ people around. There was my mother and my father and my brother, who’d died many years before. And Nellie.

She was a friend. One o’ ma few friends, that had died only a few weeks…they were all in the room and I thought I was having a dream, about my people. But it was Nellie, who came and she put her arms around me, and she kissed me on the face. And it was warm and real. And my mother came, she kissed me too. And they took my hands, and the next thing I know it was as if I was floating through the window, and then everything went black. I cannot remember a thing until I woke up. And I was in a bed in a very nice room, with rafters and beams and things – like an old house. But it was cosy and friendly and the sun, that I thought, was shining through the window.

And there was my mother, but she did not look the same as when I saw her in ma dream, as I thought. She looked young, as I’d seen her in the picture that used to hang in my bedroom, when she was married, many years before. And she’d got a white dress and she had a black bow ribbon in her hair – so like I’d seen her in early pictures, when I was very young. We used to have everything – collection of old photos, that mother’d keep in the tin. Yes, it was just as if I was seeing her as she was then.

She said to me that I was alright and that I’d nothing to worry about and I was not going back, and I thought this is just a dream. And then she said no, it’s not a dream, it’s real…you’re alive now, you’re not to worry about anything. And she said, soon, when you’re really recovered over this, she said, we’ll go out we’ll meet all sorts of people that you used to know when you were a wee bairn, you know, when you were young.

I could not quite see and understand, I could not realise at that stage that I was dead. It was like a beautiful dream. Then there was a dog jumped on ma bed and this really gave me a fright, in a way. Not that I was afraid of dogs, I was fond of animals, but this was a dog that we’d had many years ago, that ma father adored and that was killed by a cart, many years ago, when I was, oh – in my twenties, I suppose. And this dog we called it Nipper. And do you know, to see Nipper jump on this bed startled me and I just couldn’t realise. My mother said, of course we’ve animals here too. Ah, I thought well this is – you know, I just couldn’t understand it, if they were dead. As my mother said, that there’d be animals too. And she said, oh that’s nothing. She said, out in the yard, she said, you’ll see a lot of other animals too.

I just couldn’t take to this at all, I couldn’t believe. You know, when you’ve been brought up as I was, to a religious way of life, you know, you didn’t automatically begin to think of animals being here. And then again, I thought this was too natural to be heaven. I thought it would be quite different and that it would all be, well, like one sees in pictures and religious books, you know the angels and wings an the – – – you know. This didn’t seem right, I thought it must be a dream or that I’d wake up, but no. I don’t know how long I must ha’ been in this way, but I know that I felt different.

I felt as if I was light as air and I was curious about myself and I said I’d like to see myself in the mirror and my mother laughed at me and she said we don’t have mirrors here. Mirrors are not necessary, you can see yourself when you know yourself. You don’t have to look into a mirror to see how you look or how you are. I didn’t understand this at all, but all I know, that I felt so different. I felt so young and ma body seemed light. I just felt as if I could get up and dance around the room. But my mother said no, not for the moment, you just wait a wee while, you see.

You Will Never Die

All of these speakers now living happy and content in the afterlife came through in Leslie Flint sessions. Links to other recordings are in the description below. The recordings are further evidence you will come to the end of this life, but you will never die.

We Know What Happens When You Die
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We Know What Happens When You Die
In this first video in a series containing these recordings, you will hear people now living in the afterlife speaking about what happened to them during and after they made their transition into the afterlife.
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Seek Reality Online
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