Children are Taught to Clairvoyantly “See” with Blindfolds On

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Children learn to see without using their eyes

A woman in the UK named Nicola Farmer has established the Inspiring Children University (ICU) that teaches children how to see, read, and play without using their eyes—fully blindfolded. She explains that children between the ages of 6 and 12 are still in the stage when they are able to access their psychic abilities. The results have been verified. In other words, children can be taught to use their Minds to access the experiences of sight when their eyes are not functioning.

You can support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife with your $6 contribution.

Children Who Can See Clairvoyantly
Modern Nirvana, June 3, 2016

Children learn to see without using their eyes

A woman in the UK named Nicola Farmer has established the Inspiring Children University (ICU) that teaches children how to see, read, and play without using their eyes—fully blindfolded. She explains that children between the ages of 6 and 12 are still in the stage when they are able to access their psychic abilities. The results have been verified. In other words, children can be taught to use their Minds to access the experiences of sight when their eyes are not functioning.

You can support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife with your $6 contribution.

Children Who Can See Clairvoyantly
Modern Nirvana, June 3, 2016

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