The Most Current Evidence Proving the Reality YOU WILL NEVER DIE!

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For those in pursuit of solace, validation, or a profound comprehension of the spiritual realm, this seminar offers a transformative experience with enlightening insights and soul-stirring discussions.
How to be happy

Why the Universe Won’t Let You Settle: Embrace Your True Path

In this video, Medium Susanne Wilson explains how to discover the ways the universe communicates potential and possibilities through subtle nudges. She…

What life is like for children in the afterlife

What Is Life Like for Our Children of Any Age in the Afterlife?

The death of a child at any age is the most painful experience life can bring. The grief it carries is a…

Craig Hogan on the afterlife and afterlife communication

Dr. R. Craig Hogan Talks About the Greater Reality

Dr. Hogan is the president of the Afterlife Research and Education Institute, Inc., and Seek Reality Online. He has been the director…

Near-death experience

Evidence NDEs Are Genuine Experiences of Life Beyond This Life

Wendy and Victor Zammit’s wonderful website at has an masterly-written and researched summary of the evidence near-death experiences (NDEs) have characteristics…

Proof heaven exists

A Man in the Afterlife Meets His Sister Who Died at Birth

You are about to hear the recording of a man living in the afterlife. He says he was surprised to meet a…

A Woman Has an Uplifting Connection with Her Twin Brother Who Died at Birth

People are learning how to have their own afterlife communications while sitting quietly in their homes or in any other place, such…

Afterlife Communication

A Simple Process Uncovers Hidden Strengths and Talents

Roberta Grimes interviews Nicole Frolick, who refers to herself as a practical mystic who does intuitive life coaching, inner child healing, and…

How to have afterlife communications

Evidence Self-Guided Connections Result in Afterlife Contacts

People are learning how to have their own afterlife communications while sitting quietly in their homes or in any other place, such…

Afterlife communication with a child

A Woman Meets Her Miscarried Daughter in an Afterlife Connection

People are learning how to have their own afterlife communications while sitting quietly in their homes or in any other place, such…

Peter Hays Spiritism

Upcoming 18th Symposium of the US Spiritist Federation

Peter Hays is a worker at Spiritist Group Love and Light in Newark, New Jersey. He is also the current Outreach Director of…

Rev. Temple Hayes on emotional power

How to Become Mentally and Emotionally Empowered

Are you (or someone you love) stressed over politics and how you perceive the world is going? Get your positive reality check…

Medium Mark Anthony

Afterlife Communications Are Not Just Possible, They’re Likely

Spirit contact and science converge! After death contacts are not only possible but likely, and Susanne Wilson’s guest has the science to…