The Most Current Evidence Proving the Reality YOU WILL NEVER DIE!

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How to communicate with the afterlife through meditation

A Lawyer Visits Her Two Sons Living in the Afterlife

Maria I. Pe was born in Manila, Philippines, and raised in the San Diego area.  She received her bachelor’s degree from Harvard…

Accounts by People About Their Self-Guided Afterlife Communications

Craig Hogan, president of Seek Reality Online, developed the Self-guided Afterlife Connections procedure for Seek Reality Online. It teaches people how to…

Elizabeth Fry describes what life is like in the afterlife

People in the Afterlife Live in Environments That Fit Their State of Mind

Elizabeth Fry was a leader in the movement to reform prisons in the UK during the eighteenth century in an effort to…

People rescue souls as they leave the body

A Woman Goes on Rescue Missions with Her Husband in Spirit

The Self-guided Afterlife Connections procedure teaches people how to guide themselves into a connection with loved ones in the afterlife. The procedure…

How people can have afterlife communictions

Afterlife Communication Reduces Grief

An examination involving 70 individuals who encountered after-death communication (ADC) with departed partners or spouses found that most perceived it as consoling…

There Is No Veil Between This Life and the Next

People refer to an impenetrable veil between this life and the afterlife that precludes people from communicating with loved ones now living…

Aviator Amy Johnson in the Afterlife Describes Mentally Disabled People There

Amy Johnson was the first British woman to earn a ground engineer’s license to work with planes. In 1930, she became the…

Actress Dame Alice Ellen Terry in the Afterlife Describes What Life Is Like There

Dame Alice Ellen Terry was a well-known Shakespearean actress in the last decades of the nineteenth century and first decades of the…

Dr. Scott M. Taylor

Dr. Scott Taylor Describes His Shared Death Experience

When Nolan’s vital signs flatlined, what happened was that, as best as I can describe it, Mary Fran, his mother, who had…

Ray Catania, What Is the Real God?

An Atheist Learns from His Near-Death Experience that God Is Different from What Religions Describe

Ray Catania is a renowned author, metaphysical teacher, theorist, and coach. He is a survivor of a near-death experience (NDE) and has…

Evidence of What Happens When We Die

Extensive Presentations of Afterlife Information, founded by our good friends Michelle Szabo and Dennis Gregga, is an extensive presentation of statements…

How to have afterlife communication

Afterlife Communication: 16 Proven Methods, 85 True Accounts

Afterlife Communication: 16 Proven Methods, 85 True Accounts, created and edited by R. Craig Hogan, president of Seek Reality Online, contains descriptions of…