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How to Communicate with the Afterlife Using a Pendulum

Carol Morgan learned how to communicate with her son, Mikey, in spirit. Mikey told her things about his life in the afterlife.…

Love Language of the Afterlife: Children in the Afterlife and Finding a Soulmate

True accounts from renowned evidential medium Susanne Wilson are presented. One is about children in the afterlife and a second about finding…

Healing through Direct Afterlife Connections

Mark Ireland, one of the founders of Helping Parents Heal, explains the experiences he had in connecting with his son Brandon in…

People in Spirit Materialize to Speak

Materialization mediums are able to have people from the afterlife materialize and speak to sitters. This article by one of the experts…

There Can Be Communication After Death

By Steve Taylor, PhD* KEY POINTS Up to three-quarters of bereaved people report some form of communication with a deceased loved one.…

Proof of life after death

Watch Entities in Spirit Move Tables

What Is “Table Tipping”? As physical mediumship grew after 1848, people were meeting regularly for extended periods in the hope of having…

How to Understand Signs from the Deceased Loved Ones in the Afterlife

Joe Higgins is an Amazon bestselling author and Intuitive Medium and has had the ability to communicate with those who have passed…

Trance mediumship is proof of life after death

Trance Mediums Provide Proof of Life after Death

Trance mediumship has given us proof of the afterlife and evidence of life after death. This article gives three accounts of actual…

Angels visit people

Understanding Afterlife and Angel Contacts

Karen E. Herrick is the director of the Center for Children of Alcoholics, Inc. in Red Bank, New Jersey.  She has a PhD…

What is life like in the afterlife

A Woman Runs into a Lake with Her Mother in the Afterlife

A psychotherapist helps a woman have an afterlife communication with her mother in which she excitedly runs into a lake to swim…

Dream Visits from the Dead

Rosemary Ellen Guiley was a leading expert in the paranormal, metaphysical, and spiritual fields, and is the author of more than 50…

How People Are Helped to Move from Earth to the Afterlife

Bruce Moen was an author and international lecturer on exploring the afterlife and performing “retrievals.”  In a retrieval, someone from this side…